
, PhD. Student, Pushkins'ka, 77, Kharkiv

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Signed print


Issues number

2017 - № 3 (30)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Innovation activity is a volumetric concept that covers all stages of the innovation process. Therefore, it is possible to stimulate the activity of all subsystems and subjects of the national innovation system by introducing a multivariate special legal regime of innovation activity.
Recent research and publications analysis. The research of D. V. Zadykhaylo, Yu. Ye. Atamanova, O. M. Davydiuk, Yu. M. Zhornokui, D. Aleksandrov, A. I. Denysov, Yu. Bazhal, P. Belenkyi, V. Berens, H. Birman, V. Vlasova are devoted to the problems of innovation activity. However some areas of this problem are still out of scientific attention. Different aspects of the formation and functioning of special regimes are considered L. Taran, O. Zeldinа, O. Butkevych, O. Oliinyk, Yu. Bronovа.
Paper objective. The purpose of the article is to study the innovation relations and to identify the potential objects of the special legal regime of innovation activity.
Paper main body. Innovative relationships are an array of vertical and horizontal links between actors. The place of the subject in the structure of the national innovation system is defined by the function and stage of the innovation process. Thus, the special legal regime of innovation forms the system of means of economic and legal influence on the complex of relations.
The special regime should create favorable conditions for the innovative development of industry’s certain types. There are able to form and use their own competitive advantages through the introduction of privileges and additional guarantees.
Conclusions of the research. The object of applying the special regime of innovation activity may be:
1. The national innovation system as a complex of socio-economic relations of an innovative character in the area of economic services;
2. Separate elements of NIS, which require a special activization of its activities;
3. Separate segments of the economy;
4. Certain kinds or types of innovative technologies.
Short Abstract for an article
Abstract. The article is devoted to the find an elements of innovative relations that can become the special legal regime object of innovation activity. The author considers and complements the structure of the national innovation system and identifies subsystems that require activation of the activity. The address approach to the special regime mechanism should be based on the differentiation of management spheres and determination where such a regime can create favorable conditions for innovative development. It is proposed to consider production clusters and certain types of technologies as potential objects of the special mode of economic management.


Innovation activity, special regime, special regime object, national innovation system, technology, cluster.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

3 132-144


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