
, PhD. Student, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

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Issues number

2017 - № 3 (30)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Activization of the investment role of the state should be translated not only in direct involvement in the financing of effective investment projects for the development of high-tech industries, high technologies. Equally important is the stimulation of investment activity, including the formation of the investment potential of the country.
Recent research and publication analysis. Problems of the investment state policy realization were the subject of scientific researches of scientists, such as O. M. Vinnyk, D. V. Zadykhailo, V. V. Kudriavtsevа, V. I. Kukhar, V. M. Pashkov, V. V. Poiedynok, L. V. Taran, V. O. Usatyi. However, legal means and mechanisms for the formation of Ukraine’s investment potential have not been found scientifically and left out of sight of these researchers.
Paper objective. The purpose of the article is to analyze the economic relations associated with the formation and search of economic and legal means for the implementation of state investment policy.
Paper main body. The notion “investment potential” is a fairly new concept, the essence of which is the unity of three interrelated properties: the ability to produce and mobilize internal resources and reserves; ability to accumulate and attract financial, credit and investment resources from the outside; the ability to transform resources and savings into investment. Consequently, there is a need to develop and substantiate the theoretical foundations for the formation, evaluation and implementation of investment potential. In addition, the formation of investment potential is implemented through innovation activities, that is, activities aimed at using and commercializing the results of research and development and leads to the launch of new competitive products and services on the market.
Conclusion of the research.
1. Socio-economic relations, connected with the processes of formation and accumulation of investment potential, should become a separate link among objects of state investment policy.
2. Such relationship should be divided into groups depending on the source – the subject of such accumulation. Accordingly, such sources are funds – savings of citizens; accumulation of economic entities; means of territorial communities; state funds; foreign investment resources.
3. The issue of forming investment potential in an innovative form becomes especially acute. Such capacity can be formed within the separate parts of the National Investment System.
Short Abstract for an article
Аbstract. Legal means and mechanisms for forming the investment potential of Ukraine as a factor for implementing the state’s economic policy are explored in the article. The problems of modern legislative support are analyzed. The characteristic of state economic policy is investigated, which holds that it’s issued in the form of long-term laws and target programs. It is proved that the Unification of Disseminated Financial-Investment Resources and their orientation into investment programs, the effective use of financial instruments need management of investment potential. It is argued that the peculiarity of the modern system formation of legal regulation concerning the reproduction of the country investment potential is to supplement the general principles of economic and legal provision of investment activity in the country and in conjunction with the country economic interests.


Investment potential, state investment policy, management system.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

3 120-131


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