
, professor, Kharkiv, Svobody Sq. 4,
, graduate student, Kharkiv, Svobody Sq. 4,

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2016 - № 4 (27)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Imperative of sustainable development of the economic system in conditions of uncertainty becomes the formal selection and building of global institutions that take into account formal and informal national institutions to ensure confidence in the new economic context. Understanding of these processes by experts of World Organizations and drawing attention of world political and business communities in 2016 to these problems demonstrates the extraordinary relevance and practical significance of the problem.
Recent research and publications analysis. The concept of social capital was introduced in the scientific use in the late 60s of the last century in the works of Lida D. Hanyfan. In the future, a significant contribution to its study did P. Bourdieu, J. Coleman, R. Putnam and F. Fukuyama.
Paper objective. Article purpose – to consider process of global social capital formation, content and development models of this phenomenon.
Paper main body. The basic components of a social capital – social communications which developed historically and also are built consciously on the basis of the choice of formal institutes, and from as far as the last consider informal regulations and constitute development, mutual understanding and trust between actors. Latest global crisis began to signal of urgent need accelerate the selection and forming of formal rules and institutions which would promote progress of world economic system, development of a global social capital. The ideal model of complete global social capital is possible in case of harmonious coordination of formal and informal rules on macro – and megalevel. The output of national economy on the path of sustainable development is possible on condition of interface
of a national and global social capital.
Conclusion of the research. Global crises, sluggish overcoming of their consequences, binding of economic, environmental, technological hazards which increase risks of global catastrophic global threats lead to the intensification of global social capital. World rules and norms which are formed by the international organizations encourage to internal institutional changes of individual national economies. Adaptation of national economies to global formal and informal institutes becomes a precondition for sustainable development of the world economy and national economies.
Short Abstract for an article
Abstract. The purpose of this article is to examine the process of formation of global social capital, the content and model of development of this phenomenon. The article identifies that global social capital by pairing with national social capital may output of the national economy on the path of sustainable development.


Global social capital, national social capital, non-formal institutions, sustainable economic development, formal institutions.


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