
, Ph.D. in Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil, Ukraine, Dnipro
, PhD. Student of Department of Civil, Economic and Environmental Law, Ukraine, Dnipro

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2022-№1 (48)



Type of articles

Scientific article

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The legally established composition of tax agents of tourist tax was analyzed in the article. It was noted that the legislative acts developed and approved by local government, that establish the procedure of collection of tourist tax on the territory the relevant administrative-territorial unit, duplicate the list of tax agents enshrined in subparagraph 268.5.2 of paragraph 268.5 of article 268 of the Tax Code of Ukraine. Definition was formulated “apartment intermediary organizations”. The author’s edition of 268.5.2 of paragraph 268.5 and the addition to the content of subparagraph 268.6.1 of paragraph 268.6 of article 268 of the Tax Code of Ukraine were argued.


separate unit, apartment intermediary organizations, tax agent of tourist tax, individuals – entrepreneurs, legal entity


External reviewer

Article in PDF

Economic Theory and Law, 2022-1-104-121


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