
, professor, Kharkiv, Svobody Sq. 4,

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2018 - № 4 (35)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The complex processes of accelerated socio-economic development, changes in technological and geostrategic configurations in the twenty-first century necessitate the modernization of the economy. Of particular relevance is the task of finding and implementing such a modernization project, which is aimed not only at creating an efficient economy, but also at reconsolidating society on the basis of fairly inclusive social development.
Recent research and publication analysis. Questions of the content and characteristics of the modernization of the national economy are at the center of the scientific discourse of scientists and public figures. Among Ukrainian researchers of problems of modernization, it is necessary to highlight such authors as O. Berveno, V. Geyets, A. Gritsenko, L. Emelianenko, P. Eshchenko, I. Maliy, I. Radionova, O. Soskin, V. Tarasevich, O. Yaremenko and other.
Paper objective. The article is devoted to the methodological foundations of the study of modern modernization, the definition of the main problems and features of its implementation in the context of globalization.
Paper main body. The modern theory of modernization is based on the polyvariability of modernization projects. Modernization does not imply uniform recipes for different economic systems. Only reliance on internal potential, taking into account the technical, economic and socio-cultural characteristics of the country, enhanced by the effective use of macro regulation, can lead to a successful outcome. Social cohesion and social inclusion are crucial aspects of the success of a modernization project. Modern modernization, in contrast to the primary modernization, differs not only in historical
conditions and content, but also, which is especially important, in goals. The main goal of primary modernization was the development of the economy and, on this basis, the satisfaction of the material needs of the population, ensuring its economic security. Modern secondary modernization is aimed at the person and his quality of life, at ensuring the inclusiveness of development.
Conclusion of the research. A special role in the implementation of the modernization project belongs to the state, which plays a proactive role in institutional changes, in the establishment of an inclusive institutional regime, in the organization of public life on the principles of social justice.
Short Abstract for the article
Abstract. Summarizing the approaches to the assessment of modern modernization, the author highlights its essential feature – focus on the person, his quality of life. The harmonious development of the economy and society implies their simultaneous interdependent development. An effective economy based on an inclusive institutional regime turns into the original technology of modernization of the national economy.


modernization, inclusive development, quality of life, economic efficiency, social capital, globalization, economic policy.


External reviewer

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