
, assistant, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

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Issues number

2018 - № 4 (35)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


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Problem setting. Establishing a significant number of primary and secondary acts leads to a situation when adopted norms either coincide or regulate the same matter in different ways, or even contradict each other. Hence, there is a need to systematize the legislation through codification. The adoption of the Economic Code of Ukraine has become an important stage of development of economic law in Ukraine. Nevertheless, some controversies have not been regulated since that time. There are numerous collisions with norms of the Civil Code of Ukraine and some specialized laws.
Recent research and publications analysis. Economists such as O. V. Bryntsev, Ye. A. Hetman, D. V. Z adykhailo, V. K. Mamutov, V. V. Kudriavtseva, O. P. Podtserkovnyi et al. have considered the issue concerned with codification of legislation in their scientific papers. Nevertheless, this issue continues to be in the focus of attention, i.e. it is important for studying because problems of the sufficient and perfect content and systematization of the normative material still have not been solved.
Paper objective. The article objective is to analyse the state of current economic legislation of Ukraine and to form conceptual approaches to its further systematization, amendment, and modernization owing to codification.
Paper main body. Over the years of independence of Ukraine, codification as a form of development of legislation from the standpoint of its content and systematization has become a usual direction of legislative activity. However, a unified definition of a notion of codification still has not been enshrined in the domestic and foreign legal doctrines. Continuousness is one of the most important properties of a legislative process. Ongoing extension of social relations, which automatically cause emergence of new social relations, plays the role of a source for developing a legislative system.
A large number of legislative acts stipulate a need for systematization of the legislation. This may become primary or, maybe, exceptional legislative goal.
Nevertheless, systematization of economic relations, as well as economic legislation should occur according to an economic situation, taking into account private as well as public interests.
Conclusions of the research. A matter of the necessity of bringing business complexes into line with principal provisions of the ECU and certain directions of an economic and legal policy of the country is of considerable importance. Such coherence will enable to systematize and implement unified frameworks for forming the magnitude of the legislation of Ukraine.
In terms of their content, sectoral codification developments should combine private and public, short-term and long-term, tactic and strategic, commercial and non-commercial interests.
The main abstract of the article
Abstract. The article considers various points of view on the essence of codification of economic legislation, legislative procedures, and its components and analyses a mechanism of codification. Having examined contemporary scientific approaches, the author has proven expediency of understanding codification as a process of systematization of legislation and a legal system as a whole. The author has researched general components of codification procedures.


economic legislation, systematization, systematization of economic legislation norms, specialization in legislative regulation, unification in legislative regulation, codification of economic legislation.


External reviewer

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