
, Ph.D. in Economics, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of International Economics and World Economy, Kharkiv, Svobody Sq. 4,

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2018 - № 1 (32)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The post-nonclassical economic science requires understanding of spiritual property which is defining for the modern economic worldview. Analysis of recent research and publications. In publications the questions of intellectual property are mainly investigated, and the problems of spiritual property are almost not considered in modern neoclassical literature.
Paper objective. To methodologically prove self-realization of a personality as a vital development of its spiritual property.
The main material presentation. In the neoliberal economic theory very simplified legal theory of a bunch of property rights dominates. But the right is only a registration of an existing fact, and the comprehension of essence requires a new personality methodology.
The post-nonclassical science should proceed from a holistic human nature and its property. Three provisions are important for productive research and use of spiritual property: a spiritual-bio-social human nature; freedom-responsibility of the personality; the economy as a holistic sphere of his activity.
The problem of spiritual property is connected with the moral binding right. Such a right is necessary for the education of a property as a spiritually-valuable phenomenon, and also for the development of a new national strategy of a spiritual noosphere-sustainable economic revival of Ukraine, which is based on the understanding of human values and the essence of spiritual property.
A widely understood social partnership as the universal voluntary and responsible creative cooperation of all economic entities interested in the national development through the pooling of their resources in achieving the common goals of the partnership action is a productive mechanism for the realization of spiritual property and national spiritualnoosphere-sustainable revival.
Conclusions. All the productive transformation of property relations, above all spiritual, in the conditions of crisis of the national economy can productively be carried out by the political will of the leadership, of the government.
The educational system and national cultural policies are called for education of public understanding of spiritual personal property in a format of cultural and moral freedom- and responsible economic transformations, that is founding and corel of all complex of the relations of property.
The task of the economic elite in the development of the strategy of spiritual-noospheresustainable economic development calculated on realization of the 2–3 generations of Ukrainians. It should not depend on short-term interests of the government and to maintain continuity, but has to be corrected taking into account real conditions of the functioning of society and the achieved results.
Short Abstract of the article
Abstract. The spiritual property is the priority direction of formation of postnonclassical science. The spiritual property is provided through self-realization of the personality. Education to the correct understanding of spiritual property becomes the basis of the strategy of spiritual noosphere-sustainable socio-economic anti-recessionary development.


spiritual property, spiritual-bio-social human nature, freedom-responsibility,
spiritual-noosphere-sustainable development.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

1 49-59


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