Author |
Rudiaha I. M., PhD. Student, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77 |
In heading |
Law; | ||||
Signed print |
27.11.2015 | Issues number |
2016 - № 1 (24) | Page |
171-184 |
Type of articles |
Scientific article | Code UDK |
346.7:656.2 | ISSN print |
2411-5584 |
Abstract |
Problem setting. An issue of reformation of the rail industry in Ukraine is new for our country. In order to achieve positive results, there is a need to develop a precise and rational strategy for formation of a competitive environment, financial support, and determination of ways of the most effective attainment of the established tasks and goals. Recent research and publications analysis. Problems of the railway transport reformation are considered in scientific papers of both domestic and foreign scientists. Among them are A. V. Hrechko, H. Yu. Oliinyk, O. M. Hnennyi, V. O. Zadoiia, D. H. Eitutis, O. H. Deineka, M. V. Makarenko, S. M. Rezer, and L. S. Fedorova. Paper objective. The paper objective consists in determination of the main directions and tasks of the railway transport reformation in Ukraine and the choice of a model for railway transport management. Paper main body. The railway transport reformation abroad organically fits into the global tendency of economy liberalization. Nowadays, there are two main models of railway transport functioning in developed countries: – American (being mainly oriented towards private railroads); – European (allows public administration as well as private railroads). Both models are aimed at enhancement of efficiency and keeping technical equipment at a level being appropriate for servicing customers. Conclusions of the research. To reform the rail industry in Ukraine successfully, the following matters should be immediately settled: – the structure of ownership for technical infrastructure property; – the system of the organizational and economic influence on relationships in the railway transport industry; – the mechanism for regulation of relationships, which involves natural monopoly entities; – interaction of natural monopolies entities and other business entities; – standardization of economic competition rates; – division of the economic industry into areas of servicing and its economic usage. |
Keywords |
Transport, railway transport, reformation, European experience, European integration. | ||||
Reviewer |
External reviewer |
Article in PDF |
1 171-184 | ||||
Bibliography |
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