Author |
Veltsen V. S., PhD. Student, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77 |
In heading |
Law; | ||||
Signed print |
27.11.2015 | Issues number |
2016 - № 1 (24) | Page |
124-136 |
Type of articles |
Scientific article | Code UDK |
346:352.07-047.22 | ISSN print |
2411-5584 |
Abstract |
Problem setting of my article is connected with the intensifying of political conflict between Russia and Ukraine and its influence to the air transport, its safety of flights, level of the battle-worthiness of Ukraine aviation and its legal regulation at this time. Ukraine may save the competition of the aviation industry in present terms only if Russian aggression against Ukraine will have a limit character. Recent research and publications analysis. The question of the air transportations in the terms of intensifying the political crisis involved the attention of a lot scientist. Among them are V. E. Polivanova, V. P. Onichenko, G. S. Lazko, S. A. Dazuk, O. Moskaluk, V. Berezanskij, A. P. Chernega. But this area of research approach is unknown enough. But at the same time the most problems haven’t been studied properly so far. This is due to high complexity of this subject. Paper objective. The main task for Ukraine air transpirations in the period of the political conflict between Ukraine and Russia is the studying effective economical and legal indexes and later development in this industry. Really, by this conflict Ukraine has a lot of law and financial problems. But there is possibility increasing of the efficiency of the aviation industry activity even in the military conflict. Paper main body. It is necessary to revalue the social-economical relations in our country in the period of the political conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Russian occupation and annexation of the Crimea, military aggression on the territory of Donbas, economical wars in the closing by Russia the air space for the Ukrainian airplanes has negative influence to the native civil aviation. The other problem in a period of the political aggression is based in the fact, that home airlines suffer from currency speculations at the sale of airline tickets. Domestic companies suffer from surplus of personnel and ineffective strategies of pricing. With the aim of strengthening of aviation safety, development of home aviation industry. One of the most necessary is to determine the possibility o the application of concession agreement in the aviation industry and develop govern-private partnership in its. Conclusions of the research. Summing up, it is necessary to lead the native air standards and Ukraine law to the foreign standards. It is necessary of the legal adjusting and state support of home air carries with the aim of overcoming of the crisis phenomena that predefined by intensifying of political aggression between Ukraine and Russia, increase the competitiveness of home aviation industry. The state should initiate the socialization of the internal air traffics. The normal and safe operation of the airline industry is possible only with the proper level of implementation of international air law and government support. |
Keywords |
Air carries, limit military conflict, carriage and passengers transportations, legal documents and laws, the aviation industry competitiveness, airlines, govern-private partnership, concession, agreement of concession, legal adjusting. | ||||
Reviewer |
External reviewer |
Article in PDF |
1 124-136 | ||||
Bibliography |
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Code DOI |
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