Author |
Bronytska V. V., associate professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77 |
In heading |
Economic theory; | ||||
Signed print |
26.12.2014 | Issues number |
2015 - № 1 (20) | Page |
85-97 |
Type of articles |
Scientific article | Code UDK |
378.4 | ISSN print |
2411-5584 |
Abstract |
Problem setting. It is customary to consider the post-industrial economy, on the one hand, as a system being created on the basis of the developed industry and, on the other hand, as a basis or a stage for creation of knowledge economy. In reality, the post-industrial economy of the developed countries is far from being a straight vector of development, which complies with the Marxist thesis regarding the transformation of the science into a direct productive power. The post-industrial economy frequently is a roundabout way, which avoids the further development of the industry and restricts an industry’s basis as well as marks out knowledge economy. The study of the social and economic content and the spiritual production contradictions, which more and more stipulate the public production under contemporary conditions, enables to understand why it is the case. Recent research and publications analysis. Problems of the spiritual production and the post-industrial community have been researched by scientists such as A. Bauer, A. Halchynskyi, A. Hrytsenko, A. Kolot, A. Panarin, A. Subetto, V. Tarasevych etc. However, even thorough system researches can not be comprehensive because of the dynamicity of processes and the complicity and the multivectoral character of the matter. Paper objective. The article objective is to research some aspects of the social and economic content, the contradictions, and transformed forms of the spiritual production. Paper main body. The non-entire informational expropriation accompanied by empty components of the morality prevails under an impact of globalization. Production of knowledge-alienating information together with a high level of the technology development enable to intensively provide the informational mass alienation formalized in the form of mass media, pop-culture, and an education system etc. The spiritual production contradictions between its transformed and free forms also reveal themselves as escalated contradictions between the multilevel and multifaceted informational expropriation and alienation of different single and group subjects and objects stipulating their different roles in the public reproduction. Conclusions of the research. The transformed forms of the spiritual production emerge as a consequence and a reproductive system of the contradictions of the social and economic system. The substitution of the transformed forms of the spiritual production with the free ones on the way to the creation of noospherizm is one of the main strategic targets of the humanity. |
Keywords |
Spiritual production, transformation of a form, informational alienation, knowledge economy, noosphere. | ||||
Reviewer |
O. A. Grytsenko, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. | ||||
External reviewer |
Article in PDF |
1 85-97 | ||||
Bibliography |
none | ||||
Code DOI |
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