
, associate professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2014 - № 3 (18)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. In the process of market transformation of the economy a severe problem of disparity of profi t of Ukrainians has appeared. During a short-term period disparity may be reduced to a certain extant due to changes of functioning of the profi t
formation system. Notwithstanding, to gain signifi cant and long-term effect the system should be changed.
Recent research and publication analysis. In the monograph “Security of human development: economic and theoretic analysis” the concept “profi t formation system” was used to characterize the position of the area of population profi t. This concept connects the
system of profi t regulation and the system of its self-regulation. In the article “Evolution of conditions of human development in terms of different systems of profi t formation” terms of human development on the basis of six systems of profi t formation, i.e. collective, private, managerial, capitalistic, social and market, and social systems, are characterized. Appropriate terms in Ukraine are presented in the article “Terms of human development in Ukrainian system of profi t formation”. Although the mentioned works complement the theoretic and methodological basis of analysis of processes in the area of population profi t, they did not characterize the system basics of disparity and the ways of their overcoming.
Paper objective. The purpose of the article is to present the system basics of disparity of population profi ts in Ukraine and to determine the main ways of their overcoming.
Paper main body. Division of conditions of human development in Ukraine obtain features of binarity: the majority of a society, which has not conducive opportunities, counters insignifi cant share of rich and over-rich people imparted by access to all modern
opportunities of human potential development. As a result, profi t disparity causes inability of any attempt of infl uence on functioning of the system to solve this problem. Instead of this, there is a need to change the whole system. The comparative analysis of the conditions of human development in terms of different systems of profit formation points out that there is a need to build the social and market system of profit formation in order to overcome the system basics of population profit disparity in Ukraine. However, the objective interest of the political and economic elite, in particular till the beginning or the middle of 2014, which gives hope for changes, is creation of a hybrid of a capitalistic and a managerial systems enabling to turn the elite into the “close club”, having assigned a privileged position to the members of the highest classes and their descendants.
Conclusion of the research. Building of the social and market system of profi t formation will last decades and require many changes. The most topical tasks include: increase of the social and economic capacity of the main part of the population in contrast to the political and economic elite; development of the competitive environment bereaved of non-market methods of competition; intensifi cation of the activity in the branch of intellectual ownership; mitigation of correlation between conditions of human development and a level of profi t, social status, and social relationships. A perspective direction of further researches is determination of measures needed to finish the building of the social and the market system of profit formation.


Population profit regulation, population profit regulation system, population profit disparity, salary, human development.


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3 45-58



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