
, associate professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2014 - № 3 (18)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The intangible economy appears in consequence of a change of correlation and a role of different factors of production in economic development. Intellectual capita being capitalized knowledge becomes a motion power and the main productive resource of the intangible economy. Social and economic nature of intellectual capital and peculiarities of its functioning stipulate transformation of productive relationships and, primarily, relationships of ownership.
Recent research and publications analysis. Fundamental basics of the theory of intellectual capital were grounded by T. Stewart, K. Sveiby, E. Brooking, L. Edvinsson, V. Inozemtsev, S. klimov etc. Problems of formation and management of intellectual capital of a fi rm are considered in working papers of V. Bazylevych, Yu. Gava, A. Kendiuhov, O. Marchenko, L. Fedulova, A. Chuhno and other Ukrainian scientists. However, the institutional basics of intellectual capital formation have been insuffi ciently researched.
Paper objective. The objective of the article is presentation of social and economic nature of intellectual capital, determination of its role in formation of the intangible economy, analysis of the peculiarities of its institutionalization.
Paper main body. Knowledge and information having attributes of social and network commodities are basic components of intellectual resources. Intellectual resources are characterized by a set of the peculiarities: an intangible character, inalienability, uncompetitiveness, self-increase in the process of consumption, and nonaditivity. Intellectual capital is, fi rstly, researched at levels of an individual, a firm, and a society and is, secondly, defined as an internally structured category containing human, organizational, and client capital. Formation and realization of intellectual capital occur on the basis of usage of intellectual resources in the process of new value production, creation of an intellectual product, and profit gaining. The institutional environment determining conditions of reproduction of intellectual capital, efficiency of its formation
on the basis of the individual peculiarities, and a level of an intellectual activity, influences these processes.
Conclusions of the research. The peculiarities of formation and realization of intellectual capital as a leading factor of the modern economic development stipulate changes of labor nature, transformation of social and economic relationships, appearance of new forms of correlation of economic subjects, and changes in a society structure. Institutions of the intangible economy should provide comprehensive correlation of entities in the processes of creation, capitalization and commercialization of knowledge. Causes of an insufficient level of capitalization of intellectual potential of Ukraine include: 1) disproportions between areas of formation of intellectual resources and intellectual capital; 2) a small share of high-technological industries in the structure of the economy; 3) a low level of an innovative activity of entities; 4) a high level of social and economic differentiation of population; 5) a low level of institutionalization of the knowledge
commercialization process.


Intellectual capital, intangible economy, intellectual ownership, intellectual labor, capitalization of knowledge.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

3 76-87



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