
, PhD. Student, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading


Signed print


Issues number

2014 - № 3 (18)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Effi ciency of an economy of any country is stipulated by stability of a national currency and reliability of a bank system. Development of the bank sector is mostly determined by an infl uence of external factors, i.e. a role of a country, legislation and effi ciency of a court system, rules of transparency, requirements for quality of reports, independence and professionalism of a central bank, and quality of corporate management. To support stability and economic independence of the country, there is a need to precisely understand what elements are components of the bank system, what status have these elements, and what legal status has the National Bank of Ukraine, which is the only state authority endued with special competence in the bank management sector. From the all mentioned factors’ point of view Ukraine deals with the problems and overcomes lack of external incentives.
Reformation of economic relationships caused the necessity of improvement of the bank system. To provide stability of the bank system, to enhance effi ciency of the activity of the bank sector, to concretize a place of the National Bank of Ukraine in the system of state authorities and to delimit their duties, there is a need to determine the legal status of the NBU. Exactly the bank, the credit, and the monetary systems play a role, which unit the contemporary economic mechanism, and provide development of the economy on the whole. Nowadays, the mentioned systems can not separately function within the state.
Recent research and publication analysis. Although the problems of aspects related to regulation of the status of the National Bank of Ukraine are topical, they are insufficiently considered. The content of the economic and legal regulation were researched byA. I. Syrota, S. V. Hlibko, V. Ya. Kosaniak, N. B. Soltis. There is lack of works aimed at modernization of the bank system and its regulation.
Paper objective. The purpose of the article is to research the functions of the National Bank of Ukraine and the contemporary economic and legal framework of their realization interconnected with the system of state authorities.
Paper main body. Existence of the own powers of the NBU denotes the right to establish rules of behavior and instate their execution by legally determined infl uences. The National Bank is a central bank of Ukraine being a peculiar central authority of state management, which, as a state authority, provides stability of the national currency and performs the function “management” of the bank system. According to the Constitution of Ukraine and the status law, the Head of the NBU, the Board of the NBU, and the Council of the NBU are executive bodies of the central bank of the country. Since the Board of the NBU is appointed
by President of Ukraine and Verkhovna Rada, there is a real problem of a politic pressure on the monetary policy of the NBU, which can cause infl ation processes.
Conclusions of the research. The Board of the NBU should concentrate on long-term goals and gradually realize them conducing to stability of the national currency, increase of quality and enhancement of entities providing banking services. Only in terms of the existence of precise delimitation of the Central Bank and the state authorities the National Bank can be an economic and fi nance, but not a politic institute.


Bank, NBU, economic and legal regulation, legal policy, state authorities, state regulation of a bank activity.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

3 184-194



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