
, associate professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2015 - № 2 (21)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Religion is the most long-standing social system determining a life of human societies since the moment of their emergence. Combination of two opposite tendencies, namely metaphysical denial of wealth and an activity related to it and simultaneous conducing to development of economic processes, indicates a highlight of understanding relations occurring between business and a religion.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. Correlation between the economy and a religion has been researched in scientific papers of D. Vovk, V. Katasonov, N. Mitrokhin, K. Marx, M. A lbright, D. Raskov, H. de Soto, O. Tymchyk, А. Hirshman, etc. The historical basis of the author’s views encompasses materials presented in research papers of S. Bulhakov, H. Bermann, M. Veber, T. Woods, W. Sombart, etc. Considering the religious doctrines, the author first of all concentrates on approaches proposed in various Christian denominations.
Paper objective. The author attempts to consider two situations of a religious conception influence on entrepreneurship. The first one is concerned with the tangible world, namely peculiarities of a business activity in non-secular states. The second one is associated with an ideal dimension of the problem, i.e. conceptions of entrepreneurship in religious doctrines.
Paper main body. Relations between a religion and entrepreneurship are considered in several aspects: 1) ethical evaluation of entrepreneurship and business processes; 2) restriction of some types of business activities and economic operations; 3) formation of peculiar economic sectors servicing religious requests; 4) activities of churches and religious communities as business agents. Vision of development of the economy and business are detected in respective doctrines. Analysis of these doctrines indicates that they play rather the social role than the economic one.
Conclusions. Influencing political, economic, legal, and other society systems being significant for doing business, a religion is a considerable factor of entrepreneurship. The mentioned significance of a religion stipulates importance of its doctrinal positions in the process of a public discussion and making socially important decisions in the business area. Nature of religion comprises an economic component because churches and religious communities function as business entities.


Economy, business, entrepreneurship, religion, non-secular states.


O. A . Gritsenko, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

External reviewer

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