
, associate professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2015 - № 2 (21)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. In Ukraine non-market factors of competitiveness frequently play the decisive role. Nevertheless, market and anticorruption reforms gradually occur. Due to the reforms importance of intellectual capital as the basis of firm competitiveness and national economy efficiency increases.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The intellectual capital sense and its structure have been examined by many researchers, among which are N. Bontis, N. Bratnitsky, A. Brooking, L. Edvinsson, D. Calilu, J. Lichtarski, M. Malone, J. Roos, P. Sullivan, K. Sveiby, d. Screame, T. Stewart, V. D. Bazylevych, O. B. Butnik-Siverskyi, A. L. Haponenko, S. S. Matiushchenko, M. V. Poplavskyi, Z. V. Ulianytskyi, etc. A general disadvantage
of these approaches is alienation of production factors from the theory.
Paper objective. The paper objective is to indicate the sense and structure of firm intellectual capital as one of production factors.
Paper main body. Separating initial and derivative factors of production, the authorhas proposed a model of structure development of production derivative factors. According to the model a production factor «firm intellectual capital» is formed on the basis of other production factors at a certain historical stage. In contrast to other production factors, the factor partially tends to multiple.
A result of firm intellectual capital functioning is synergism of other production factors, which increase efficiency of production factor application in a certain firm. This synergism is specific, because it is based on certain production factors and competitive conditions of firm functioning. Thus, the synergism can’t be transferred to other firm without losses.
Elements of firm intellectual capital differ from each other in possibility of application in other firms. Therefore, the author indicates inter-specific, specific, and universal intellectual capitals.
Conclusions of the research. Firm intellectual capital is specific forms and processes of mutual adjustment of production factors being created as a result of intellectual and spiritual creativity of humans and accumulated in the process of functioning of a firm and its external environment, which provide synergism of production factors enhancing efficiency of firm functioning.
Thorough examination of current structure of firm intellectual capital is a prospective direction of further research.


Firm intellectual capital, production factors, intangible assets of a firm, innovations, firm specific human capital.


Kaminska T. M., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

External reviewer

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2 45-60



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