Author |
Yakovlev A. A., PhD. (Legal Sciences), Deputy Chief Scientific Secretary, Kyiv, Philip Orlyk, 3 |
In heading |
Law; | ||||
Signed print |
27.11.2015 | Issues number |
2016 - № 1 (24) | Page |
224-238 |
Type of articles |
Scientific article | Code UDK |
342.4:32 | ISSN print |
2411-5584 |
Abstract |
Problem setting. An issue concerned with characterization of the relation of politics and law in the constitutional amendment should be examined on two levels: а) the general theoretical level, where scientists consider a general concept of a constitutional process; b) the practical level, where scientists analyze the constitutional process concept in the context of a current state and prospects of development of independent Ukraine. Recent research and publications analysis. Numerous scientists such as А. Hetman, Yu. Barabash, V. Kolisnyk, А. Kolodii, А. Krusian, V. Medvedchuk, М. Orzikh, P. Rabinovych, S. Seriohina, V. Sirenko, О. Skrypniuk, V. Fedorenko, V. Tatsii, V. Tykhyi, S. Shevchuk, Yu. Shemshuchenko, О. Yushchyk, et al., have considerably contributed to research of the relation of politics and law in the constitutional amendment. Paper objective. The paper objective is to examine nature of the interrelation between politics (the political process) and law in the Ukrainian constitutional amendment. Paper main body. The article is dedicated to thorough analysis of approaches to the constitutional process concept being the conceptual framework of the research. The author proves the expediency of application of the very broad concept of the constitutional amendment process, which non-randomly includes a phenomenon such as constitutional modernization. The author examines various theoretical and methodological procedures of defining the constitutional amendment process. The author points out that, considering political determinants of the constitutional amendment process, the latter should not be identified with state political interests. Really, in a developed democratic country, the people are not only bearers of certain political interests, but they are also an active and critical unit of a political process. These features are expressed by concepts such as «sovereignty of the people» and «direct democracy». The author indicates that both political and legal factors affect the constitutional process development. Factors of the first group are external with respect to the constitutional process. This means that the political determinant of the constitutional process can contain: а) political incentives and political reasons, which have caused the constitutional modernization process; b) participation of subjects, which are simultaneously subjects to constitutional as well as political processes; c) decisions regarding the specificity of the constitutional process flow and final results depend on the political will. The second group of factors is internal factors affected by the flow of development of law, the legislation, and the legal system. These factors cannot be subject to political arrangements or manipulations, since they derive from basic legal categories, principles, values, and ideas, which underlie functioning and development of the country and the society. Conclusions of the research. Firstly, taking into account the specificity of the subject of constitutional and legal regulation, the constitutional law and the constitutional process are directly concerned with regulation of the very relations of the state power being the basis of the modern politics. Secondly, regardless of apartness of the categories «constitutional process» and «political process», they are interrelated under conditions of the state governed by the rule of law. This interrelation is caused by a property of the democratic state to determine general parameters, norms, and rules of the interaction of the main political units and to establish basic values and goals of a state policy in the main areas of social and state development. Thirdly, re-establishment of appropriate equilibrium between the political and the legal factors, which determine the sense, the course, and the direction of the constitutional amendment process, is of extreme importance in continuous constitutional renovation in Ukraine. |
Keywords |
State power, constitutional amendment process, political process, constitutional law, supremacy of the Constitution, reformation of a state power system. | ||||
Reviewer |
External reviewer |
Article in PDF |
1 224-238 | ||||
Bibliography |
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