
, professor, Kharkiv, Svobody Sq. 4,
, candidate for a degree of the Department of Economic Theory and Economic Methods of Management, Ukraine, Kharkiv

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2020 - № 2 (41)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The digital economy provides national competitiveness and security, creates unique opportunities for human development, stimulates innovative and creative industries, and leads to radical transformations of innovative business.
Recent research and publication analysis. Significant attention of domestic and foreign researchers, including: H. F. Binner, A. Gassman, L. Denisenko, J. F. Moore, A. Osterwalder, I. Pigne, M. Robson, F. Ullah, M. Hammer, J. Harrington, J. Champi and others, given the economic and organizational and managerial problems of improving business processes and business systems, the introduction of innovative business models. But, modern models and ecosystems of innovative business have not yet received the proper level of scientific analysis and generalization.
Paper objective. The purpose of the article is the disclosure of economic and organizational and managerial innovations and trends in the development of innovative entrepreneurship associated with the modern stage of digitalization of the economy.
Paper main body. The digital economy does not replace the economy as such, it changes it and forms new prerequisites and models of innovative development. In the context of the digitalization of the economy, the development of innovative business is based on cardinal technical, technological, organizational, economic, and managerial transformations of entrepreneurship and innovation.
Technological and organizational and managerial transformations of innovative business are:
– firstly, a combination of traditional functional and modern process approaches to structuring and determining the development factors of innovative entrepreneurship. According to the criterion of the relationship of business processes and the functions of the enterprise and its units in the innovation process, one should distinguish such types of business processes as integrated business processes of the enterprise’s economic activity as an integrated system; structural business processes carried out within certain divisions and other structural components of the enterprise; functional business processes, the implementation of which is associated with the implementation of the functions of enterprises;
– secondly, the customer focus of the business processes of introducing innovations as their focus on meeting the needs of customers of the innovation business;
– thirdly, the reengineering of business processes in the field of innovation is the basis for the formation of modern models of innovative business;
– fourthly, digitalization of innovative business and the formation of platforms that contribute to the formation and development of ecosystems of innovative entrepreneurship.
Conclusions of the research. Modern innovative business is an integrated business processes focused on innovation, combining all structural divisions and functions of the enterprise, the components of which are subprocesses of innovative entrepreneurial activity carried out within the framework of individual functions and divisions of the enterprise. According to the criterion of openness of the innovation process, modern and innovative businesses are characterized by open and closed models. The formation of digital models of innovative business determines the structural transformations of the national system of innovative entrepreneurship, a new element of which is the business ecosystem.
Short Abstract for an article
Abstract. The main trends in the development of innovative entrepreneurship in the context of the digitalization of the economy are disclosed. It is proved that modern innovative entrepreneurship is an integrated business process of innovative activity, the components of which are sub-processes carried out within the framework of individual functions and divisions of enterprises. The open and closed models of innovative business, the role of digitalization of business processes, innovative models and platforms in the formation of ecosystems of innovative entrepreneurship are characterized.


digital economy, innovative entrepreneurship, business processes, business reengineering, innovative business models, open and closed models of innovative business, business digitalization, digital models, platforms, ecosystems of innovative entrepreneurship.


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