Author |
Nabatova O. O., associate professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77 |
In heading |
Economic theory; | ||||
Signed print |
22.11.2019 | Issues number |
2019 - № 4 (39) | Page |
83-98 |
Type of articles |
Scientific article | Code UDK |
339.138 | ISSN print |
2411-5584 |
Abstract |
Problem setting. Nowdays increasing of competition, increasing and diversifying of consumer requirements, weakening of the market position of firms because of standardization and typicality of their competitive advantages actualize the problem of forming an optimal product portfolio and effective assortment policy of the firm as a powerful resource for enhancing its competitiveness. Product consulting services allow the firm to align its product with the objective factors of the market and the subjective needs of clients, which becomes the starting point for the development and implementation of the further marketing measures. Recent research and publications analysis. Theoretical bases and practical aspects of forming the product policy of the company have been investigated in the works of foreign and domestic scientists, in particular L. V. Balabanova, Zh.‑Zh. Lamben, F. Kotler, T. S. Mazepa, S. O. Maliuk, M. В. Pavlova, O. V. Shymko etc. However, the problems of determining the relevant tools for forming a balanced product portfolio in order to ensure the competitive advantages of business organizations and their market adaptation remain insufficiently elaborated. Paper objective. The purpose of the article is to reveal the content of product consulting services concerning determination of key levels of a client organization’s product, optimizing of the structure of its product matrix and developing of product policy, as well as generalization of methods of analysis and directions of optimization of the product portfolio of the company. Paper main body. Product consulting services include the development of a product strategy; analysis, designing and optimization of product portfolio; designing of a new product; consulting on the development of the assortment strategy. There are several product level classifications in marketing theory. Understanding each level of product helps to build a «ladder of benefits» of the brand. One of the tools of policy development is to analyze, design and optimize its product portfolio. It is the base of the sales funnel. By the value for the product portfolio marketers distinguish different groups of products. Economic and portfolio analysis methods (ABC and XYZ analysis, Dibb-Simkin’s method, BCG matrix, McKinsey – General Electric matrix, Ansoff’s matrix) are used to formulate and optimize the assortment policy. Recommendations for adjusting the product policy of a client organization may be: improvement of the marketing mix, optimization of the product matrix by expanding the assortment, withdrawal of product from the market. Conclusions of the research. Product consulting is the complex of consultancy and analysis servicesе that provides development and improvement of the product policy of a firm, forming a portfolio of products and services that is optimal for satisfying customer needs. The type of the product matrix determines the position of the company on the market, the basic concept of its development. The balanced product portfolio helps to build the trust with customers, gradually introduce them to the main products. The correctly balanced product matrix consists products, that provide stable and predictable profit, as well as related products that form a sales funnel. To improve the product matrix, the consultant needs to analyze the assortment using methods of economical and portfolio analysis and offer directions for its updating and improvement. Short Аbstract for an article The article defines the content of product consulting and its basic services. The features of the analytical toolkit of marketing consulting on issues of development and improvement of product policy of the client organization are considered. Special attention is paid to the formation of marketing understanding of a product of the firm and its product matrix. The methods of analysis and ways of optimization of the firm’s product portfolio are summarized. |
Keywords |
marketing consulting, product range, product matrix, assortment policy, portfolio analysis, product portfolio optimization. | ||||
Reviewer |
External reviewer |
Article in PDF |
83-98 | ||||
Bibliography |
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Code DOI |
10.31359/2411-5584-2019-39-4-83 |
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