Author |
Petriaiev O. O., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Kharkiv, Svobody Sq. 4, |
In heading |
Economic theory; | ||||
Signed print |
22.11.2019 | Issues number |
2019 - № 4 (39) | Page |
99-113 |
Type of articles |
Scientific article | Code UDK |
331.108:005.311.121 | ISSN print |
2411-5584 |
Abstract |
Formulation of the problem. Personnel management is an important part of an organization’s quality management systems. For effective personnel management, it is necessary to make more extensive use of statistical methods of information processing, which will improve the quality of management decisions. Analysis of recent research and publications. There is no comprehensive approach to managing the organization’s personnel based on the use of statistical methods. Determining the theoretical and practical value of research in this area, it should be noted that these issues require more in-depth study and development. Formulating the purpose of the article. The purpose of this article is to develop scientific provisions and practical recommendations on the use of statistical methods in managing the organization’s staff. Paper main body. The article found that the main element of the organization (enterprise) is its employees – staff. It is emphasized that the effectiveness of the organization as a whole depends on the effectiveness of its work. It is shown that each organization should have a clearly formulated personnel management policy. Two human resources management systems are identified – American and Japanese and their differences are formulated. It is shown that in order to better understand the effectiveness of personnel management, it is necessary to take into account the accumulated experience in organizational management. It has been established that recently the staff is considered as the main factor of increasing the competitiveness of the organization. It is shown that in modern conditions one of the directions of improving the personnel management of the organization is the use of modeling, statistical methods. It has been proven that it is appropriate to encourage staff educational initiatives and to provide them with the opportunity to improve their qualifications and professional certification at the expense of the organization. It has been shown that in addition to decent pay for employees, they can be offered a compensation package. The state of the personnel management system of the analyzed enterprise is determined. Existing weaknesses are shown and recommended measures to address them. It is proposed to determine the commitment of the employees of the organization being analyzed by conducting a questionnaire. The survey results are summarized. It is revealed that the following factors influence the level of commitment the most: job satisfaction, enthusiasm, adaptability, interaction. It is shown that individual characteristics of employees can have a significant influence on commitment. It was found that, as a whole, the individual characteristics of the employees of the organization being analyzed do not contribute to a high level of commitment of the organization. It is proposed to use the method of expert assessments to determine the commitment of the organization’s staff. It is recommended that the information be processed using Statistica 6.0 in the Multiple Regression module. A model was developed that reflects the dependence of staff commitment on factors such as job satisfaction, enthusiasm, adaptability, and interaction. It is concluded that the employees of the organization under review have a low level of job satisfaction and enthusiasm. Conclusions. A study using the peer review method found that low levels of job satisfaction and staff engagement adversely affect the overall level of commitment of the employees of the organization under review. The measures proposed in the work contribute to the formation of employees’ sense of involvement in the organization, provide feedback to consumers and society, and also contribute to the image of the organization. Short Abstract for an article It is established that the main element of the organization (enterprise) is its employees – staff. It is shown that in modern conditions one of the directions of improving the personnel management of the organization is the use of modeling, statistical methods. The state of the personnel management system of the analyzed enterprise is determined. It is revealed that the following factors influence the level of staff commitment: job satisfaction, enthusiasm, adaptability, interaction. It is suggested to use the method of expert assessments to determine the commitment of the organization's staff. The author has developed a model that reflects the dependence of staff commitment on the factors that determine it. |
Keywords |
organization, personnel, personnel management, statistical methods, questionnaires, method of expert assessments. | ||||
Reviewer |
External reviewer |
Article in PDF |
99-113 | ||||
Bibliography |
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Code DOI |
10.31359/2411-5584-2019-39-4-99 |
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