
, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Deputy Director, Ukraine, Kiev
, PhD in Law, doctoral candidate, Senior Researcher, Ukraine, Kiev

In heading

Economic analysis of law;

Signed print


Issues number

2019 - № 3 (38)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Taking into account the normative approach to understanding the principles of the legal economic order, in the theoretical and practical plane it becomes important to clarify how the economic policy of the state, and in this case the monetary component of it, is formed and implemented in a proper relationship with law and order in the field of management. Equally important is the task of clarifying the completeness and correctness of defining the basics of the legal economic order set out in the Economic Code of Ukraine, in comparison with existing doctrinal approaches. After all, the results of monetary policy implementation at the present stage of state development, which are represented by large-scale anti-crisis activity of the National Bank of Ukraine, are unsatisfactory and make one think about whether conceptual approaches to shaping the specified direction of economic policy are justified and agreed with the legal economic order.
Recent research and publications analysis. Some aspects of the complex category “legal economic order” are reflected in the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists. However, the scientific development of problems of interconnection and mutual consistency of monetary policy with the legal economic order, as well as the completeness and correctness of incorporation into the normative text of the doctrinal approaches to defining the basics of the legal economic order have not been widely spread.
Paper objective. Investigation of the relationship and coherence of monetary policy with the legal economic order and the formation of appropriate proposals.
Paper main body. The article examines the relationship and the consistency of monetary policy with the legal economic order. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of monetary policy at the current stage of state development. The German model of economic (economic) order is examined and the principles on which it is based are analyzed.
Conclusions of the research. The analysis made it possible to reach the following conclusions:
implementation of monetary policy at the present stage of state development is ineffective, which is conditioned by the substantive imperfection of the regulatory category “legal economic order” as a basis for shaping directions of economic policy;
it is argued that it is the principles, as the guiding basis, that should determine the starting points on which a system of legal rules should be formed, which will ultimately determine the substantive content of the legal economic order. It is emphasized that the existing approach to completing the legal economic order by regulations, regardless of the level of legal force, creates prerequisites for situational substantive filling of the legal economic order, depending on the needs of those entities that are able to manipulate lawmaking in their own economic interests;
the existing scientific models of economic (economic) order are considered and, in order to form a system of principles on which the national legal economic order should be built, it is proposed to use the achievements of the continental model presented by the German School of Ordoliberalism;
it is found that the essence of German ordoliberalism is manifested in the form of eight constitutive and four governing principles of the functioning of the social market economy, which can be defined as the doctrinal basis for the formation of the content of the domestic category “legal economic order”.
Short Abstract for an article
Аbstract. The article analyzes the relationship and mutual coordination of monetary policy with the legal economic order. It has been established that the implementation of monetary policy at the present stage of state development is ineffective due to the imperfection of the normative category “legal economic order” as the basis for the formation of economic policy directions. The German model of the economic (economic) order is examined and the principles on which it is based are analyzed. A hypothesis is expressed about the possibility of recognizing such principles as the doctrinal basis for the formation of the content of the domestic category of “legal economic order”, which will contribute to the sustainable development of the state economy.


monetary policy, legal economic order, principles, economic policy, sustainable development.


External reviewer

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