Author |
![]() Piskunov R. O., Ph. D., (Money, finances and credit), Head of the Department Accounting and Taxation, Ukraine, Kharkiv ![]() Moskalenko O. V., Ph. D., (Money, finances and credit), Associate Professor, Ukraine, Kharkiv |
In heading |
Economic theory; | ||||
Signed print |
10.06.2019 | Issues number |
2019 - № 2 (37) | Page |
28-47 |
Type of articles |
Scientific article | Code UDK |
657:339.9 | ISSN print |
2411-5584 |
Abstract |
Problem setting. The basis of the functioning of a reliable socio-economic system is the accounting and information support. On its basis, management decisions are made regarding the regulation of cash flow. The peculiarity of the manifestation of global financial crises depends on the management of cash flow and the manifestation of financial risks. Accounting and information provision of cash flow regulation will allow companies to “narrow down” the spread of their profits in time when making sound management decisions. Therefore, requirement to prevent threatening events in the banking institution and the world, assessing the effectiveness of the current system of accounting and information management of cash flow regulation in terms of its risk component becomes relevant. Resent research and publications analysis. It should be noted that the issue of accounting and information provision for the regulation of cash flows in terms of the analysis of determinants of global financial crises was the subject of serious scientific research. Some aspects of this problem are presented in the works of many foreign scientists, among them: A. P. Gradov, A. A. Lobanov, A. V. Chugunov, B. I. Kuzin, and others. Modern views on the solution of this problem are presented in the scientific works of such Ukrainian researchers as: G. M. Azarenkova, A. I. Baranovsky, I. O. Blank, M. M. Berdar, A. A. Grytsenko and others. Noting the theoretical and practical value of these studies, we note that a certain range of theoretical and methodological issues on the selected problem still needs further development. This concerns the peculiarities of the manifestation of the determinants of the global financial crises on the system of accounting and information provision for the regulation of the flow of cash flows. Paper objective is improvement of theoretical positions and development of practical recommendations for the formation and implementation of methodological principles for improving the system of accounting and information provision for the regulation of cash flows under the influence of world financial crises. Paper main body. Researching the accounting and information provision of cash flow regulation is a prerequisite for identifying the causes of the global financial crises. Systemic complexity of the structure of derivative financial instruments is complicated and correctly determined by the information, as well as their time of warning leads to this risk. The financial risk, as a consequence of the financial crisis, is a situational characteristic that occurs when a transition to a system of normal functioning (another state) take place. The organization of effective accounting and information provision formulates the basis for making a decision through the regulation of cash flow, which can lead to stabilization in the financial market, as well as to minimize financial risk. Conclusions of the research. The study examined the system determinants of the global financial crisis. The difference between accounting and information provision of cash flow regulation in the mechanisms of formation of financial crises of the end of XX – beginning of the XXI century in the countries is presented. The sequence of development of financial risk in the state on the basis of the “effect of the infection of the economy” is considered and the analysis of the main elements of the theory of management of anti-crisis regulation of cash flows and the differences between turnover and turnover are revealed. Short Abstract for the article Abstract. The influence of the information formed in the accounting system on the state of the world economy is investigated. System determinants of world financial crises are considered. The differences of accounting and information provision of cash flow regulation in the mechanisms of formation of financial crises of the end of XX – beginning of the XXI century in the countries are presented. The sequence of development of financial risk in the state on the basis of the “effect of the infection of the economy” is considered. The main elements of the theory of crisis management of cash flow are analyzed and the differences between turnover and turnover are revealed. |
Keywords |
global financial crises, derivative financial instruments, accounting and information provision of anti-crisis regulation of cash flows, financial risks, “the effect of the infection of the economy”. | ||||
Reviewer |
External reviewer |
Article in PDF |
28-47 | ||||
Bibliography |
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Code DOI |
10.31359/2411-5584-2019-37-2-28 |
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