
, professor, Kharkiv, Lenina, 9 a

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2018 - № 3 (34)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Among the factors determining the competitive position of any economic structure, the qualitative characteristics of the aggregate labor force a leading role, shape the success of the enterprise and the best conditions for all spheres of life.
Recent research and publication analysis. The problems of the formation of adaptive characteristics of the labor force in the conditions of accelerated technological production are studied by Ukrainian and foreign scientists, but a change in the environment requires further study of the problem.
Paper objective. The purpose of the article is to generalize conceptual approaches to the formation of adaptive characteristics of the aggregate labor force in a competitive environment.
Paper main body. The successful functioning of the economic mechanism at all levels of the national economy, the formation and implementation of each of the material elements of production potential, primarily depends on the qualification level of the workers, the selection of rational quantitative and qualitative structure of the company’s total workforce, which corresponds to strategic objectives, teamwork ability, adequacy to production tasks, adaptability to changing conditions of the internal and external environment. Such qualities of the aggregate worker are ensured by the unity of a set of factors, both from the general organizational culture, the professional, cultural and educational level of the participants of production, a number of qualities of their personality, the system of material and nonmaterial stimulation, and the state of the labor market.
The aggregate worker of an enterprise is characterized by volatility (instability), which is naturally associated with its activity as an appropriate response to changes in the environment (macroeconomic, political, social, demographic, legal, market, etc.) and in the internal structure of the enterprise.
Conclusion of the research. In the coming years, in order to protect themselves from substitution and unemployment, people will need to acquire so-called flexible skills. That is to learn to constantly change and improve. After all, automation of work will affect all occupations. A one-time education and training, which most people are used to, will not work anymore. Soon, they will have to constantly acquire new knowledge and retrain.
However, changes in the qualitative characteristics of the work force must occur and are possible on the basis of the formation of motivation for improvement/change of qualification, the purchase of personal traits that meet the requirements of the employer, etc.
Short Abstract for the article
Abstract. The reasons of changes in requirements for qualitative characteristics of the labor force are revealed, the main requirements of employers and directions of development of human capital in connection with accelerated technologicalization of all spheres of life activity are generalized.


aggregate labor force, adaptive characteristics, competencies, life cycle of labor force.


External reviewer

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3 26-35


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