
, associate professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading

Economic analysis of law;

Signed print


Issues number

2017 - № 4 (31)


116 - 129

Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Harmonization of the national legislation in the intellectual property (thereinafter – IP) sphere in conformity with the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement is an important step to formation of the legal economy. Nevertheless, scientists criticize the planned innovations.
Recent research and publications analysis. Scientific papers of A. Olefir, H. Androshchuk, O. Kashyntseva present analysis of consequences resulted from implementation of the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement with regard to intellectual property.
Paper objective. An article purpose is to substantiate a conceptual approach to formation of the optimal model for protection of intellectual property rights (thereinafter – PIPR) and to demonstrate risks and potential of reformation.
Paper main body. A degree of performing the main functions and adherence to basic principles of building a system on the part of an IP institution are criteria of PIPR optimality. Changes of competition conditions and innovative activity lead to spread of a situation, when an IP right is exercised contrary to its institutional and functional purpose. Attempts and goals of application of exclusive rights should conform to basic legal values and functions of the IP right. The national legislation may establish restrictions on exercising the exclusive rights. Strengthening PIPR may impede the economic growth indeveloping and newly industrializing countries. Minimum standards of PIPR conduce to the economic increase under conditions of low rates of development. Strengthening PIPR is expedient to the extent of economic development growth. Obligations of Ukraine within the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement concerned with the pharmaceutical industry (additional mechanisms of protection: an additional protection certificate, extension of a regime of data exclusivity) contain the most considerable risks. Limitations of population access to medicines and high prices for medicines are consequences of implementation. It is expedient to use the potential of flexible statements of the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (thereinafter – TRAIPR), which include parallel import and compulsory licensing.
Conclusions of the research. In the process of building the optimal model of PIPR, it is important to take into account the institutional and functional purpose of IP rights, global tendencies of development of the IP sphere, and specificity of a country. The Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement constitutes strengthening the PIPR regime and complementary mechanisms of protection. It is expedient to use the potential of «flexible» mechanisms of TRAIPR and unacceptance of additional obligations.
Short Abstract for the article
Abstract. The article substantiates conceptual reference points for formation of the optimal national model for protection of intellectual property rights. The basis comprises the institutional and functional purpose of IP rights, generalization of global tendencies of IP sphere development, taking into consideration specificity of a country. The author demonstrates risks and the potential of reformation of the IP sphere in Ukraine, using the pharmaceutical industry as an example.


intellectual property rights, optimal level, human rights, compulsory licensing, regime of exhaustion of rights


External reviewer

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