Author |
![]() Fedulova L. I., professor, Kyiv, Kyoto, 19 |
In heading |
Economic theory; | ||||
Signed print |
21.11.2017 | Issues number |
2017 - № 4 (31) | Page |
48-63 |
Type of articles |
Scientific article | Code UDK |
330.341 | ISSN print |
2411-5584 |
Abstract |
Problem setting. The modern economic system, both in developed countries and in countries with so-called overcoming development, is increasingly developing in the direction of intellectualization, the main result of which are new ideas that are commercializing in innovation, especially this is noticeable in the creative (cultural) sphere of human activity. Scientists and practitioners substantiate the idea of applying the model of innovative and creative development of civilization, in addition, in many cases, this idea is considered as an alternative to the paradigm of post-industrialism. There are the theoretical aspects of the creative economy in foreign scientific thought among the most significant contemporary outputs in the development of a new type of economy, identified trends in the development of creative industries, the assessment of the dynamics of spatial placement of creative industries, the dependence of welfare from creative trades, mechanisms for financing creative projects, and others. However, for several decades, the concept of a “creative economy” remains incomplete, given the ambiguity of the scenarios of the development of social processes, which are at the center of cultural and economic policy. All this necessitates further systematic research. Paper objective. The purpose of the article is to reveal theoretical and methodological aspects of the concept of a creative economy, to identify its differences and to analyze the process of formation; to show the role of the creative type of economy at the present stage of global sustainable socio-economic development. Paper main body. The retrospective shows that the emergence of the concept of a creative economy was influenced by the results of the scientific opinion of leading scholars who studied the peculiarities and trends of the development of socioeconomic systems at the end of the 20th – the beginning of the 21st century. One of the most influential is the concept of post-industrialism (D. Bell, J. Naisbit, E. Toffler), which describes, in particular, the new technological system, the mode of production, characteristic of the new conditions, the general tendencies of transformation of various spheres of societys life. The generalized research shows that in most cases, scientists reveal the essence of the creative economy, using the integration approach. From these positions, the existing range of interpretations allows us to agree with the opinion of the authors who believe that the reflection of the difficulties of both terminology and conceptual is the parallel use of the concepts of “innovative economy”, “knowledge economy” and “creative economy”. Taking into account the existing interpretations of the nature of one or another type of economy, the differences between the main categories that are directly related to the creative economy and show the evolution of its formation as theoretical design and practical application are determined. It is substantiated that post-industrialization and the information age have radically changed the views on the awareness of creative industries. In particular, when the outflow of production from economically developed countries, regions and cities into countries and regions with cheaper labor force began, creative industries acted as an anti-crisis tool. It is revealed that all theoretical and methodological approaches will ultimately contribute to the success of the concept of a creative economy, determined by the ability to form a new outlook, the development of innovative culture, which in turn will contribute to the establishment of a special type of interrelations in the middle of territorial social systems that become the basis of new vectors development. Conclusions of the research. For several decades, experts in the field of economics, culture, urbanism and sociology have been studying problem issues and continue to study theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of creative industries, creative clusters and creative economics. At the same time, these areas of knowledge cannot be called sufficiently researched and worked out; therefore, the issue of developing creative industries against the backdrop of the transition from industrial economy to creative economy continues to remain relevant today. In the concept of a creative economy today, fundamentally new socio-economic and cultural models, new types of creative socio-economic relations are formed. All this allows, with a certain degree of conditionality, to combine different directions of creative economic activity into a separate, independent, creative type of economy and to continue studying its model on the example of specific countries. Short Abstract for an article Аbstract. The article deals with theoretical and methodological aspects of the concept of a creative economy formation, the differences between the main types of economies are determined. The approaches of scientists to reveal the essence of creativity, creative industries and the corresponding generalizations and substantiation have been analyzed. The role of the creative type of economy at the present stage of global sustainable socio-economic development is revealed. |
Keywords |
Сreative economy, creative industries, economic development, concept. | ||||
Reviewer |
External reviewer |
Article in PDF |
4 48-63 | ||||
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