
, PhD. Student, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading


Signed print


Issues number

2017 - № 1 (28)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Changes in the economic development during the years of sovereign Ukraine point out that the investment sector is becoming one of the main factors of economic development entities and the state, realizing that their economic function is to stimulate the dynamics of investment management processes.
Recent research and publications analysis. D. V. Zadykhailo, O. M. Vinnyk, Yu. Ye. Atamanova, V. V. Kudriavtseva, O. V. Hladka, etc. have taken notice of the abovementioned matters.
Paper objective. A paper objective is to identify the nature and specificity of innovative investments on the basis of legislative support analysis, to determine place of innovative investments in economic law of Ukraine.
Paper main body. Investing along with the organization of the production and implementation of goods and services should be seen as an important element of market and economic turnover. Together with it, for today a corresponding legislative base is not developed, in particular, the question of legislative systematization and codification of investment legislation, however by a legislator due attention was not spared until now. The problem of codification legislative works in area of investing must become the subject of independent scientific researches. An additional circumstance which actualizes the necessity of realization such advanced studies is imperfectness of investment legislation, namely is a presence of plenty gaps in regulation of legislative forms and their substantial lag from the real development of public relations in this area.
Providing of innovative character of national economy isn’t only one of economic functions, but one of major economic functions of the state. Therefore not by chance the idea of codifying innovative legislation has become very active.
The rapid development of investment and innovation legislation was set by a question about the necessity of codification the subindustries of economic legislation. It follows to pay attention to that this legislations development does not take place autonomically one from other. An important aspect is convergence.
A necessity is remained by the improvement of legal and regulatory base namely decision of such questions, as: 1) the legal institutionalization of the innovative investment; 2) creations of economic-legal concept, 3) providing of the legislative development to the specific legal forms, 4) definition of special legal regim es.
Conclusions of the research. Thus, the innovative investing on the modern stage of development of economic right is a complex institute of investment and innovative law that should receive an own place in the system of law and legislation, organic legal mechanism of realization.
Short Abstract for an article
Abstract. The author considers actual problems of codification investment and innovative legislation, the possibility of independent development and legislative institutionalization of innovative investment. With the aim of solving problems in this area, the author proposes the idea of adopting the Law of Ukraine «About the innovative investing in Ukraine».


Innovative law, investment law, innovative investing, investment legislation, systematization.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

1 119-131



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