
, professor, Kharkiv, Pletnovsky 5
, Senior lecturer, Kharkiv, Pletnovsky 5

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2016 - № 3 (26)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Identification and analysis of modern trends on the market of intellectual services is an actual direction of theoretical justification of measures at the growth of level of innovative development of economy of Ukraine.
Recent research and publications analysis. Modern researches in the sphere of intellectual services includes the characteristics of the main types of intellectual services, their classification features, the questions on legal protection of intellectual property and etc. There is not found theoretical justification of the role of intellectual services as a factor of innovative development of economy and growth of competitiveness of the country.
Paper objective. The article’s purpose is to analysis of the situation in the sphere of intellectual services and the substantiation of measures for the development of this sector in Ukraine as an important factor that will contribute to economic growth based on innovative principles.
Paper main body. The dynamic development of the global economy is characterized by the growth of the share of intellectual potential of develop ed countries in the world. The rapid development of the intellectual services sector is accompanied by an increase in the share of new technologies and science-intensive sphere of production, investment primarily in human capital and new spheres of employment, particularly in the information technology sector and variety of services. The updates of the structure of economics of developed countries on new technological and informational principles have provided them a leading position on the world market of high-tech products. In Ukraine the development of the intellectual services sector will also contribute to increase the investment
attractiveness of the country, attraction of modern innovative technologies, growth of its export potential.
Conclusions of the research. The dissemination of new knowledge and intellectual services requires the creation of appropriate infrastructure for the development of a variety of services at the level of regions of Ukraine, which is soil for the growth of their socioeconomic potential. At present the favorable conditions for the manifestation of the innovative factors in the regions has not been created yet. Among the uncertain problems we will note, on the one hand, the theoretical uncertainty of the concept of «intellectual services», the lack of a general accepted classification of their types; on the other, the lack of attention by state institutions on issues of development of economy on innovative basis, and in respect of spread spectrum the provision of intellectual services. An important direction
of improvement in the intellectual sphere is the improvement of the state support of its development, the growth of investment in human capital and modern innovative products that will increase the competitiveness of Ukraine’s economy.
Short Abstract for an article
Аbstract. The article considers development of the sphere of intellectual services from the point of view of maintenance of innovative growth of economy of Ukraine. The modern trends of development of market of intellectual services are analyzed. The article proves the necessity of implementation of measures for the development of the sphere of intellectual services as a factor of growth of competitiveness of Ukraine’s economy.


The service sector, knowledge economy, intelligent services, innovative growth, the competitiveness of the economy.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

3 56-68


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