
, assistant lecturer, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

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Signed print


Issues number

2016 - № 2 (25)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. A matter of qualification and revealing violations of the competitive legislation is of great importance. However, the very matters of calling guilty persons to account and adequacy of such responsibility and consequences inflicted by violation of the law in this field are noteworthy.
Recent research and publications analysis. Scientists such as H. Androshchuk, O. Bezukh, V. Bazylevych, O. Bakalinska, S. Valitov, V. Heiets, Yu. Zhuryk, B. Kvasniuk, V. Lahutin, N. Malakhova, T. Udalov, I. Shumylo et al. do researches in this area.
Paper objective. An article objective is to analyze types of the responsibility determined by the competitive legislation and to propose recommendations regarding improvement of the mechanism of calling to account for violations of the law in the field of economic competition.
Paper main body. The competitive legislation encompasses a list of violations of the law and the responsibility for these infringements. The responsibility begins regardless of lawbreaker guilt. It is a peculiarity of the responsibility for infringement of the competitive legislation (along with the economic and legal responsibility in general). Infringement of the antitrust legislation is a factual reason for the legal responsibility in the area of economic competition protection and resistance to monopolization of commodity markets.
Imposing fines of the Antitrust Committee of Ukraine (ATCU) is the most widespread form of the responsibility for infringement of the competitive legislation. A fine amount is calculated according to enterprise income.
Mandatory division of a business entity is one of the responsibility types. Practically, this responsibility types is not applied, because the Ukrainian legislation does not contain a special normative act regulating peculiarities of performing the mandatory division of business entities on the resolution of the ATCU.
Such a tendency is inherent to the administrative responsibility provided for by the competitive legislation. The administrative sanctions are imposed by courts very rarely compared to cases of revealing corresponding infringements.
Conclusions of the research. Unfortunately, there is an imperfect system of measures of the influence on infringement of the competitive legislation in Ukraine nowadays. The current legislation provides for economic and legal, administrative, civil and legal, and criminal responsibility for commitment antitrust infringements. Some types of the responsibility determined by the legislation are not applied at all because of an imperfect system of revealing infringements and a procedure of calling to account.
There are gaps in the domestic competitive legislation, especially on matters of the procedure of calling to account, calculation of a fine amount, application of the administrative responsibility and other types, procedures of which require amendment of the legislation.
The author thinks that it is expedient to focus on consequences caused by infringements in the process of fine amount calculation. There is a need to amend the legislation with information regarding terms and an order of calling for administrative responsibility and extension powers of the ATCU in this area in order to turn this type from formal one into a real type of responsibility.
The main abstract for the article
Аbstract. Commitment of violations of the legislation on economic competition protection harms the economy as well as the Ukrainian society. The misuse of the monopolistic position in the market, anticompetitive concerted practices, and other displays of business entity discrimination cannot be resisted by legislative prohibitions only. The system of protective measures of the legal influence (sanctions) applied to lawbreakers as an important element of legal support of resistance to infringements of the antitrust
legislation solves this problem. Timelessness of revealing, cessation of such violations, and application of the responsibility being adequate to consequences caused by the violations are very important aspects of the examined problem.


Legal support of economic competition, antitrust policy of a government, violations of law in the field of antitrust competitive legislation, responsibility for infringement of competitive legislation.


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