
, PhD. Student, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading


Signed print


Issues number

2016 - № 2 (25)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Coincidently with a processes of entrepreneurial sector development, a mechanism of its government regulation forms. The economic sense of government support consists in development and realization of a system of government programs concerned with scientific and technical, resource, financial, consulting, human resources, and other encouragement of entrepreneurship development.
Central or local government bodies, social (non-commercial) institutions, or private organizations, which obtain government subsidies to perform these functions, can carry out government support programs.
The domestic legislation in the field of entrepreneurship, especially small business, is not systematized and requires (according to the experience of a majority of developed countries) passing a corresponding code of laws.
Recent research and publications analysis. It is worth mentioning that examination of directions of government support for business entities has been subject to research of the following lawyers: О. М. Vinnyk, D. V. Zadykhailo, V. K. Mamutov, V. M. Pashkov, V. V. Reznikova, V. A. Ustymenko, O. V. Shapovalova, V. S. Shcherbyna, etc. Nevertheless, there were only fragmentary researches regarding the directions of government support for small business entities.
Paper objective. An article objective is to research the directions of government support for small business entities.
Paper main body. Government support for small business entities includes the following components: formation of the legal basis of entrepreneurial sector functioning and development of leverages of administrative regulation of the entrepreneurial structure activity based on specificity of their development in particular industries and fields of the national economy; regulation of investment changes in the economy acting as factors of entrepreneurial environment formation; formation of a system for support and encouragement of entrepreneurship; involvement of business entities in carrying out scientific and technical or social and economic programs, delivery of goods (services) for meeting national and regional needs.
Conclusions of the research. The main directions of the government support for small business should encompass: a) effective and perfect legal support, which should legislate ways of realization of financial and credit as well as organization and consulting directions of government support for citizen entrepreneurs and further implementation of these statements in regional programs of support of the citizen entrepreneurial activity; b) financial and credit support realized by the use of direct and indirect forms;
establishment of a system of guaranteed access of entrepreneurs to credit resources, creation of various governmental programs for banking institutions support, which give loans to small business; c) organizational and consulting support, which is implemented with the help of ramified infrastructure of small business development that will conduce to information and consultation servicing the citizen entrepreneurs owing to an expanded network of organizations, including organizing governmental support, qualification enhancement of the citizen entrepreneurs, engagement them in carrying out scientific and research as well as social and economic programs, delivery of goods (services) for national and regional consumers.
Short Abstract for an article
Аbstract. The article researches the directions of government support for small business entities. The author has indicated that a degree of government support selectiveness is a key characteristic of government support of enterprises. Selective support is referred to as government support, which is provided for certain industries and enterprises.


Government support, small entrepreneurship entities, small business entities.


External reviewer

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