
, professor, Kyiv, Kyoto, 19

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2016 - № 1 (24)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. By the driver of technological development which creates the base of the modern economic systems, network organization of management business-processes is justly considered. It is formed on the basis of horizontal connections with all participants of economic process in the conditions of the proper innovative environment.
Recent research and publications analysis. Today in literature the features of effective realization of innovative potential of countries are actively examined and discussed through the specially created infrastructure — «innovative hubs». However and to this time unsolved are questions in relation to determination of differences of concept «hubs» at application in a scientific turn, him economic essence and, that especially, terms of practical application in Ukraine.
Paper objective. Determination of features of application innovative technological hubs in forming and realization of innovative policy in modern terms for subsequent adaptation of front-rank experience in the regions of Ukraine in the conditions of strengthening of integration processes after principles of decentralization.
Paper main body. Innovative technological hub is instrumental in the transfer of new technologies, using possibilities of educational and scientific establishments, their resource base, and scientific achievements. The transmitters of the newest technology is start-ups. Thus it follows to consider key pre-conditions of success of hubs: 1) a location is alongside with sourcings, such as venture and private equity, and also with firms, which give professional services in the sphere of record-keeping, right and public relations; 2) possibilities to unite technological, administrative and investment knowledges in one place.
In relation to the prospects of alteration innovative technological hubs in the regions of Ukraine, deem it wise bringing in of leading universities in the network format of innovative хаба, which show by itself the supporting institutes of higher for future markets and current focal workinggroups. They must undertake the functions of leadthrough of R&D, preparation of base specialists for markets and providing base services, and also implementation of concrete tasks in regions.
Conclusions of the research. Innovative technological hubs appear after such principles: close connection of three types of activity: science, education and innovative development of business; in a spotlight — concrete and claimed here and presently subject theme of work, the results of which will be made reality of; a product is not knowledge, not pre-production model, not technologies, but standard of new engineering practice which is subject to the down-scaling and use in a corporation, and also to other forms of commercialization; forming of the mixed collectives, which provide an exchange, and also preparation of unique specialists of the greatest qualification, knowledges and competenses (so-called «living laboratories»), wide co-operation with scientific organizations, institutes of higher, innovative technological by companies, that provides the permanent bringing in and actualization of new knowledges, technologies and competenses.


Іnnovative development, hubs, accelerator, regional innovative policy.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

1 11-27


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