
, associate professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading

Economic theory of law;

Signed print


Issues number

2015 - № 4 (23)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Solution of a problem in the area of incomes of Ukrainians significantly depends on development of the legal economy.
Recent research and publications anlysis. A problem of constitutional economics and its formation on the basis of a transformational system is considered in papers of H. M. Andreiev, P. D. Barenboim, H. A. Hadzhiiev, S. Yu. Danilov, P. O. Dobrodumov, A. V. Zakharov, V. D. Mazaiev, V. O. Mau, and O. V. Skupinskyi. Nevertheless, the current researches do not indicate ways of development of the legal economy in the area of population incomes in Ukraine.
Paper objective. The article aim is to indicate the main directions of development of the legal economy in the area of formation and regulation of population incomes in Ukraine.
Paper main body. The main directions of development of the legal economy in the area of population incomes are the following ones: creation of the normative and legal framework, which will conduce to effective functioning and development of the income area; legislative substantiation of processes related to formation and regulation of incomes.
The first direction should be done in two steps. At the first step, there is a need to create the maximally simple, clear, and unambiguous normative and legal framework. A taxation level should be decreased, the tax base should be extended, and subsidies should be cancelled.
In order to put into practice the second direction, there is a need to form conditions for effective functioning and development of the income area; significant increase of salaries of governmental officials and increase of state financing political parties; reduction of areas of the economic activity conducing to development of corruptive relations between the state and the business; implementation of a system of total controlling of expanses of governmental officials and politicians; creation of new institutions for fighting corruption
and radical renovation of the current ones.
Conclusions of the research. Successful realization of the mentioned tasks will conduce to transition to the second step of development of the normative and legal basis of formation and regulation of population incomes, which is able to facilitate development of this area, i.e. the step of creation of a developed, complicated, and branched system for regulation of incomes upon the pattern of the West countries.
A problem of separation of the state and the business is a prospective direction of further research.
Short Abstract for an article
Abstract. the article characterizes the main directions of development of the legal economy in the area of population incomes in Ukraine, namely: creation of the normative and legal framework, which will conduce to effective functioning and development of the income area; legislative substantiation of processes related to formation and regulation of incomes. The author has indicated measures being essential for development of the legal economy in the area of population incomes.


Constitutional economics, legal economy, regulation of population incomes, formation of population incomes, fighting corruption, separation of business and state.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

4 78-87


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