
, PhD. Student, Kharkiv, Svobody Sq. 4,

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2015 - № 4 (23)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Increase of non-standard employment scopes stipulates a need for more thorough research of this phenomenon and analysis of influences of different factors, which conduce to informal sector development, on formation of the phenomena. This process results in development of relevant directions of a policy for labor market regulation, extension of the policy by a complex of measures regarding legalization and regulation of non-standard employment and overcoming its negative consequences.
Recent research and publications analysis. Issues of employment, social and labor relations, and new non-standard forms of employment are examined by domestic and foreign scholars, among which are O. Amosha, O. Brazhko, V. Heiets, V. Hryniova, M. Dolishnii, T. Zaiats, M. Kim, A. Kolot, Ye. Libanova, M. Semykina, S. Tiutiunnykova, F. Hayek, etc. Institutional aspects of functioning of a labor market and an employment
area are considered in scientific papers of Ukrainian scientists S. Honcharova, Yu. Osadcha [1], and І. Shtunder [2; 3], etc.
Paper objective. The paper objective is to substantiate the necessity of realization of institutional potential of non-standard employment regulation for the purpose of adaptation to modern needs of the labor market.
Paper main body. The policy of fostering employment is one of the main priorities of social and economic development and one of the main aims of the state. Availability of institutional conditions of labor market functioning is an important aspect of labor market effectiveness. The very effective institutional framework can maximally foster realization of a right to work for participators of a social and economic system, formation of working places, growth of labor productivity, and increase of professionalism. An effective institutional environment is able to encourage informal employment minimization.
The major tasks of institutional regulation of informal employment are as follows: providing social cohesiveness in the labor market; harmonization of social and labor relations; providing conditions for development of an institution of merited labor. These tasks should conduce to enhancement of quality of living for the population.
Conclusions of the research. The main problem of the institutional framework of the state policy for employment regulation in Ukraine is formation of an effective system of institutions, the interaction of which will foster enhancement of efficiency of social and labor relations and social and economic development of the country. Qualitatively new social and labor relations occurring under modern conditions and tendencies of their dynamic renovation through dissemination of information and communication technologies
stipulate a need for their institutional support.
Short Abstract for an article
Аbstract. Institutional factors, to the greatest extent, foster balanced development of the labor market, decrease of its social tension, overcoming its structural disproportion, and increase of a wage level. Effective institutional conditions of functioning of the labor market depend not only on existence of effective institutions, which regulate the labor market and social and labor relations, but also on their well-coordinated complementary interaction.


Non-standard employment, labor market, institutional conditions, institutional environment, complementarity.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

4 65-77


1. Honcharova S. Yu., Osadcha Yu. V. (2011). Analiz instytutsiynoho seredovyshcha vitchyznyanoho rynku pratsi. Poltava.
2. Shtunder I. O. (2014). Instytutsiyni vazheli formuvannya efektyvnoyi zaynyatosti v umovakh innovatsiynoho rozvytku. Vcheni zapysky Universytetu «KROK».
3. Shtunder I. O. (2015). Instytutsiyni obmezhennya efektyvnoyi zaynyatosti v ekonomitsi Ukrayiny. Kyyiv: Visnyk KNTEU.
4. Davydyuk L. P., Deriy V. A. (2015). Nestandartni formy zaynyatosti v systemi transformatsiyi mizhnarodnoho rynku pratsi. Ternopil’: Ekonomichna dumka.
5. Boychuk N. S. (2012). Nestandartni formy zaynyatosti v systemi transformatsiyi sotsial’no-trudovykh vidnosyn. Kyyiv: KNEU.
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7. Kolot A. M. (2014). Transformatsiya instituta zanyatosti kak sostavlyayuschaya globalnyih izmeneniy v sotsialno-trudovoy sfere: fenomen prekarizatsii.
8. Yurchyk I. B. (2015). Analiz suchasnoho stanu rynku pratsi v Ukrayini. Zhytomyr: Visnyk ZhDTU.
9. Skyba M. (2013). Shlyakhy vdoskonalennya instytutsiynoho zabezpechennya rozvytku pidpryyemnytstva: dosvid YeS.
10. Brazhko O. V. (2010). Instytutsiyne zabezpechennya funktsionuvannya rynku pratsi v Ukrayini. Ekonomika ta derzhava.

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