
, associate professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading

Economic analysis of law;

Signed print


Issues number

2015 - № 3 (22)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. A category of legal regulation, which is fully established in the legal science, enables to structure the influence of the law on the economy, to indicate stages of this influence, and to detect its peculiarities at each stage.
Recent research and publications analysis. Correlation between the economy and the law has been researched in scientific papers of D. V ovk, A. Hrytsenko, O. Hrytsenko, O. Yershova, O. Marchenko, L. Shevchenko, etc. It is worth considering classical papers on this problematics, which is belonged to G. B ecker, F. Hayek, L. von Mises, R. Posner, M. Friedman, etc.
Paper objective. The article researches economic relations as a subject of legal regulation and the influence of the law in the process of their legal regulation.
Paper main body. The author has determined specificity of economic relations as a subject of legal regulation. The article contains characteristics of the relations, which can be legally normed (social significance, external expression, suitability for control being external one concerning entities of control relations, and conscious and strongwilled nature) and discloses peculiarities of public and governmental control of the economic relations. The author has described stages of the public regulation of economic relations (formation of objective law, creation of subjective law, and realization of rights and obligations
of economic relation members regulated by the law). Particularly, the author examines the influence of the law on the economic relations at the stage of law enforcement. This stage is facultative and can be deployed «inside» each of obligatory stages as well as between them.
Conclusions of the research. The correlation between the economy and the law consist in neither stipulation of a legal system by means of an economic system, nor in possibility of the state to voluntary interfere in the economic relations through legal mechanisms. The economic sense of the relations determines the sense of legal instruments used for regulation of the relations. The law as a form of mediation of the economic relations is an active system and influences the economy.


Economy, law, economic relations, legal regulation, legal regulation stages.


Shevchenko L. S., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

External reviewer

Shkodina I. V ., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, head. the Department of economic theory, Kharkiv training and research Institute of state higher educational institution «University of banking», Ukraine.

Article in PDF

3 89-101


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