
, assistant lecturer, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading


Signed print


Issues number

2015 - № 1 (20)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The paper is devoted to the analysis of the economic and legal means of the influence on the growth of competitiveness of the national economy. Elucidation the capacity of the state influences on the appropriate relations, especially economic and legal means require the development of a holistic concept of functioning relevant field of economic and legal policy, including its recognition of objects, tools, forms of implementation, indicators, efficiency and so on.
Recent research and publications analysis. The issue of competitiveness analyzes V. Alexandrov, J. Bazyliuk, J. Zhalilo, I. Kryuchkov, N. Bagatskaya, J. Way, N. Tarnavska and others.
Paper objective. The article aims to study the economic and legal measures that directly affect the growth of competitiveness of domestic industries.
Paper main body. The state of the competitiveness of the national economy, local businesses and the goods and services they produced, as a basic feature that should be one of the main objects of economic policy. A problem of the competitiveness requires a legislative fixing it in all its essential forms, requires working out on a system of economic and legal means to directly influence on the growth of the competitiveness of the national industries — business entities and the goods and services of domestic producers.
Ensuring the competitiveness of the national economy, national entities and related goods and services is a main aim of economic policy, its organizational, resource, legal and informational influence on the scope of management. The particular importance in this regard has the creation of an integrated legal mechanism that would join the most effective economic and legal means to influence them.
The economic and legal regulations of economic activities should be focused on the ultimate goal — to ensure effective management by producing highly competitive products and services.
Economic and legal means of providing the growth of competitiveness should be differentiated according to various criteria. The most common is the differentiation depending on the level of its implementation on the competitiveness of the national economy; competitive industries, clusters; competitiveness of producers; competitive products and services.
The mechanism of the economic and legal implications on the growth of the competitiveness of the results of the business entities for the object at the microeconomic level criteria should be focused on reducing the transformation and transaction costs; promote sustainable investment in additional production of competitive products to increase its volume and serial stimulating and enhancing the quality of goods and services entities.
Conclusions of the research. In the paper the author defines a range of basic statelegal means of improving the increasing of the competitiveness of the national economy and national entities, such as the state targeted programs; public procurement with the aim to stimulate the production of innovative and competitive products; public procurement of innovative and competitive products; means of technical regulation; the state import of new technologies; state support for national entities that implement investment and innovation projects in the production of competitive products by introducing: a) regressive
tax profit; b) tax immunity for certain operations to provide innovative and competitive industries; c) state insurance of commercial risks in production; d) the use of construction contracts on public-private partnership; е) deregulation measures in the field of management; f) special management procedure in the production of innovative and competitive products.


Competitiveness, indicators of the competitiveness , state-legal means of improving the increasing of the competitiveness, economic policy, state-legal means to increase the competitiveness.


V. S. Milash, Doctor of Legal Sciences, associate professor, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

External reviewer

Article in PDF

1 257-267



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