
, PhD. Student, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading


Signed print


Issues number

2014 - № 4 (19)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The necessity to create a principally new state management system, including in the economic field, determines the topicality of the research of business activity licensing, its nature and significance, a structure and objects, powers of officials regarding the execution and the implementation of certain legislative norms etc. Similar researches are also important from the point of view of development requests, the further improvement and the systematization of economic legislation, the development of legislative acts projects.
Recent research and publications analysis. Licensing as an element of organizational and business relations plays an important role in the research of the branch economic and legislative provision, particularly, the legislative regulation of the medicines circulation and aspects of licensing in this field are considered in papers of V. M. Pashkova; licensing as one of instruments of the state economic policy formation is researched in scientific papers of D. V. Zadykhailo.
Paper objective. The aim of the article refers to the determination of special public interests of a state in the field of scrap metal licensing as well as to the consideration of problem issues of the discrepancy of the current economy and legislative licensing provision and general principles of researched organizational and business relations.
Paper main body. The article is dedicated to the research of the nature of public interests in the field of the scrap metal procurement, alteration and export licensing. The strategic significance of the field of the scrap metal circulation as a branch of the metallurgy industry is determined. Problem issues and disadvantages of the economic and legislation provision of the researched activity licensing are considered.
The guarantee of a positive result of organizational and business relations, including business activity licensing, refers to the prompt determination of an aim, targets and means of the regulation. Nowadays, Ukrainian economic legislation is characterized by the efficient legislative background to perform licensing procedures. But according to practical results, the economic and legislation provision of licensing of the activity related to the scrap metal operations performance contains many mismatches and doesn’t response to overall state aims and licensing principles.
Conclusions of the research. It should be concluded that the scrap metal operations performance as a strategic important business activity with no doubts requests compulsory licensing under contemporary conditions. Nevertheless, the detailed analysis of the actual system of organizational and business relations in the field of the scrap metal circulation indicates the disability of the economic legislation to guarantee the creation and the development of the scrap metal secondary market on the basis and the principles of developed market economies, with the micro entrepreneurship as a background of the system.


Scrap metal operations licensing, regulation of scrap metal circulation, scrap metal operations.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

4 180-190



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