
, PhD. Student, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading


Signed print


Issues number

2015 - № 3 (22)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK

346.1:340.134 (477)

ISSN print



Problem setting. Efficient functioning of transport in general and the rail transport in particular is a necessary condition of national economy stabilization, satisfaction of needs of public production and population in transportation, external economic activity development, and protection of Ukrainian economic interests.
Recent research and publications analysis. Certain points of codification process of legislation were disclosed in scientific papers of the leading lawyers such as S. S. Aleksiev, V. M. Baranov, S. N. Bratus, V. K. Hryshchuk, O. F. Skakun, V. S. Smorodynskyi, H. H. Shmelova, V. V. Kudriavtseva, etc.
Paper objective. The objective of the article refers to development of legal positions of systematization of the modern rail transport legislation.
Paper main body. The process of legislation systematization in the field of rail transport should be performed on the basis of a unified business mechanism, which was built under the previous social, economic, political and legal conditions. A process of legislation systematization should be considered as one of the means of improvement of legal regulation efficiency of relations, which occur in the rail transport sector, as well as a new phase in development of transport legal acts based on methodological principles of scientific quality, systematic nature, and functionality.
It is worth mentioning that the codification itself as one of the ways of systematization and the form of legislation development has become prior direction of a legislative policy and a law making process in Ukraine for the last years of independence.
Conclusions of the research. Ani system of legal and normative material, which reflects relations in the rail transport sector, in my opinion, should be built as a twolevel system of legislative regulation and include several objects. Firstly, the main principles of transportation process organizing, which can be approved and adjusted in the process of the systematization of legal acts of Ukraine through development and approval of the Rail Transport Code of Ukraine. Secondly, detailing, implementation, and regulation of the tariff policy and determination of its peculiarities in related legal acts.


Legislation systematization, codification of business legislation, rail transport, rail transport legislation.


Zadyhailo D. V., doctor of legal Sciences, Professor, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

External reviewer

Yakovyuk I. V., doctor of legal Sciences, Professor, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Article in PDF

3 218-228


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