
, professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2014 - № 3 (18)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. A family is an institutional integrator of knowledge, which conduces to their economic realization and socialization that constitute a basis of innovative development. Nowadays enhancement of a role of a family in the integration of knowledge is especially topical in Ukraine. Innovations basing on knowledge are the main factor of technological retardation overcoming and providing of social and economic development in Ukraine.
Recent research and publication analysis. The functions of a family as an integrator of knowledge, the conditions, and the factors of their realization has not yet become a subject of complex economic research. The mentioned problems are considered within the context of a role of a family in human development, providing of production by highqualifi ed workers, and formation of intellectual and human capital (V. Antoniuk, O. Barkar, T. Bohdanova, I. Bondar, A. Buhaev, O. Hrishnova, A. Zaviriuha, V. Lych, Ye. Libanova,
I. Liutyi, S. Sevriukova).
Paper objective. The objective of the article is determination and analytical characterizing of a sense and peculiarities of the functions of a family as an institutional integrator of knowledge, the conditions, and the factors restricting their effective realization in Ukraine.
Paper main body. The integration of knowledge is a process of movement of knowledge encompassing stages of its creation, involvement, diffusion, mastering, transformation, exchange, preservation, usage of knowledge, its objectifi cation in products, services, technologies, and innovations.
Members of the movement of knowledge recognized by a society, an activity of which is imprescriptible in achieving a synergetic social and economic effect of their integration, are institutional integrators of knowledge. A family, a role and a place of which in the integration of knowledge are determined by its peculiarities as a social and economic institute is a specifi c integrator of knowledge.
As an integrator of knowledge, a family performs the accumulative function, the function of providing of an intellectual effect of scale, commercialization of knowledge, retrenchment of transactional costs related to usage of a market mechanism of knowledge involvement, and management of knowledge. Whether the mentioned functions are not realized, disfunction of a family as an integrator of knowledge occurs. Consequences of disfunction include withdrawing of family knowledge from productive and innovative
processes; resocialization of a family and its members; formation of negative (criminal) intellectual capital of a family.
Efficiency of an activity of a family as an integrator of knowledge depends on the numerous factors, which can be divided on the internal factors including considerably important estimation of utility of knowledge as a resource of family welfare and development and the external factors encompassing demographic, technical and technological, social and economic, political and other factors, which directly or indirectly infl uence the integration of knowledge of a family.
Conclusion of the research. Under contemporary conditions, which provide knowledge and information to be priority resources of social and economic development, the integration of knowledge becomes one of socially signifi cant functions of a family. Welfare of a family as well as a society depend on effi ciency of realization of the integration. Systematic disfunction of a family as an integrator of knowledge is considered in Ukraine.
Furthermore, a signifi cant number of families is not able to perform the functions of the knowledge integration. This fact indicates destruction of a social role of a family as an integrator of knowledge and is an exertion of social rejection, that is to say, breach of basic human rights.


Family, integration of knowledge, integrators of knowledge, functions of family, disfunction of a family as an integrator of knowledge, social rejection.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

№ 3 33-44



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