
, professor, Kharkiv, Otakara Yarosha, 8

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2016 - № 2 (25)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. In the current phase of the market development, scientists more and more frequently pay attention to tasks of providing optimal sectoral proportions, formation and usage of commodity resources. This tendency is stipulated by the increase of imported goods in the internal market of Ukraine and significant reduction of supply of goods produced by the domestic economy. The national production development and furnishing the internal market with competitive products of domestic production is an
essential requirement of economic stability of the country and its competitiveness.
Recent research and publications analysis. Problematics of the import substantiation policy, development of the internal market is thoroughly considered in the domestic literature. Scientific papers of V. Besedina, V. Bodrov, T. Vasyltsiv, Ya. Zhalilo, Yu. Kindzerskyi, A. Mazaraki, H. Ortina, etc. are dedicated to the main aspect
of this problem.
Paper objective. The paper objective is theoretical substantiation of mechanisms and instruments of development of the internal market of Ukraine aimed at enhancement of its social and economic quality, the increase of competitiveness of domestic products owing to structural transformation of the economy based on new investment and innovative frameworks of real sector development.
Paper main body. Public regulation of the internal market should flexibly react to challenges caused by globalization, conduce to development and stimulation of competitive frameworks of the economy, which consist in the increase of a competitiveness level of domestic production goods and improvement of institutional and organizational and economic frameworks of internal market functioning.
An effective and substantiated industrial policy is a highlight of processes of development of the Ukrainian internal market. It is determined as a strategy of development and enhancement of efficiency of the industrial production, the increase of competitiveness of domestic industries, sectors, enterprises, and products in the external as well as in the internal markets, which provides stable economic growth in the long-term prospect.
Conclusions of the research. It is important to form a mechanism of strategic import substantiation in the Ukrainian economy. The decrease of productive dependence of the Ukrainian economy on import will provide the following effects: modernization of production; the increase of the surplus value created in Ukraine; cushioning the impacts of exchange rate fluctuations on productive and financial figures of enterprises; formation of the basis of raw materials export growth and involvement of domestic rough manufacturing in internal Ukrainian production chains.
Short Abstract for an article
Аbstract. The author has proven that the national economy development and furnishing the internal market with competitive goods of the domestic production are essential requirements for the increase of economic stability of the country and its competitiveness. The author has substantiated mechanisms of activation of processes of the internal market development for the purpose of enhancement of its social and economic quality, the increase of competitiveness of domestic products owing to structural transformation of the economy based on new investment and innovative frameworks of real sector development.


Internal market, competitiveness, development, industry policy, import substitution, mechanism.


External reviewer

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