
, PhD. Student, Pushkins'ka, 77, Kharkiv

In heading


Signed print


Issues number

2017 - № 2 (29)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Innovative activity in Ukraine is markedly less developed than in the advanced countries of Europe and the world. The question therefore arises whether our country uses special mechanisms to stimulate innovative activity and whether they are effective. The experience of developed countries will allow to choose the most effective mechanisms of state stimulation of innovation.
Recent research and publications analisys. Problems of innovative activity devoted to the study of several well-known domestic and foreign scientists-lawyers and economists: D. V. Z adykhaylo, Yu. Ye. Atamanova, O. M. Davydiuk, Yu. M. Z hornokui, D. Aleksandrov, A. I. Denysov, Yu. Bazhal, P. Belenkyi, V. Berens, H. Birman, V. Vlasova. However some areas of this problem are still out of scientific attention.
Paper objective. The article’s purpose is to analyze means of stimulating that are embedded in foreign countries and results of innovation. The comparative analysis of existing and previous legislation of Ukraine concerning the stimulation of innovation must be implemented.
Paper main body. The creation of special actors of innovative activity on the basis of educational institutions, association of innovative enterprises on a sectoral basis allows to create a powerful and extensive innovation system. The secret of the effectiveness of these tools lies in their integrated application.
Conclusions of the research. So the advanced countries of the world use a combination of various means of encouragement for stimulate innovative activities. These means can be directed to innovative enterprises and other actors of the national innovation system. Special arrangement of taxation which allows to invest more in innovation development is the most common means of promotion.
If we consider the Ukrainian legislation, it is possible to conclude that our country makes certain steps to stimulate innovation. However enshrined in Ukrainian legislation means have far too narrow range of influence on real relationship. The tax and other benefits that have been implemented in the end of the last century were canceled. State guarantees innovation have a declarative character. National innovation system of Ukraine requires an integrated application of all possible means of stimulation.
Legal regimes of economic activity, including innovation, are determined by the combination of the main instruments of legal regulation of respective relations. Means of regulating innovative relations can be divided into two groups: the regulation of the economic and industrial relations and regulations of organizational and economic relations. The first group includes the definition of subject structure and its participants, means of protection their rights, the definition of innovation object, economic and legal ensuring of treaty relations in the sphere of innovations and other aspects. The use of state guarantees, tax, customs and amortization benefits, state support funds, and accountability measures for violations of innovation belong to the second group. It should be noted that this distinction isn’t strict, is conditional and proposed to systematize the possible means of influencing the innovation relationship.
The introduction of this special regime would change level of Ukrainian innovation system.
Short abstract for an article
Abstract. The author discussed a foreign experience of stimulation innovative activity. Changes in the Ukrainian national legislation on special conditions for the exercise of innovation are analyzed.


innovation, special treatment, tax breaks, technopark.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

134 - 145



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