
, professor, Kyiv, Peremoga, 54/1

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2016 - № 3 (26)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The economy and society at all historical stages of their development, with all the spontaneity of the process, shaped and formulated a certain system of strategic and priority objectives, the dominant values and values orientations within the measures and field of which such development was less or more efficiently. Along with such determining factors of modern economic and social development as productive forces, available resources, property relations that determined the type and form of economic and political power, principles and forms of distribution and consumption, an extremely important role in public life played a values system, values orientations of business activity, which was formed not only under the influence of endogenous objective factors, but also under the
influence of the achieved level of philosophical standpoints and generalizations about the necessity and possible quality approvals of some individuals, society and state from the position of implementation of the strategic development objectives within a particular society and country.
Recent research and publications analysis. The problem of values that define the principles of dialectical combination of private and public interests in the process of economic life, identification of strategic goals for development and tools to achieve them, has always been the subject and object of attention of many scientists. Among the most famous authors, who have produced the profound theoretical works, devoted to the analysis of these problems in recent years, above all, should be called such as D. Rodrik, E. Kolombatto, S. Beugelsdijk, R. Maseland, D. Throsby, T. Piketty, M. Hepher, G. Standing, P. Mason.
Paper objective. Such generalizations, in addition structural nature and direction, require a deep and systematic analysis of the causes and factors of origin and development of the contradictions within the motivation system for labour, for entrepreneurship, research of condition and opportunities of culture influence, spirituality, education on the formation of the values system that would correspond with objective needs of the dynamic economic development, economic system, human, society and state.
Paper main body. In conditions of the dynamic transformation of all elements within the economic system in the twentieth century and at the beginning of twenty first century, the appearance of new institutional forms of the economy and society functioning (postindustrial, information type, etc.), capital, property, work, interests and needs, changes in the values and priorities system in the economic behavior of individuals, sometimes all of these forms get such a character, that contradicts the traditional society values, increases the uncertainty of the future prospects for the existence and development.
Conclusions of the research. Cognition of the contradictions nature, that distort, mispresent and destroy the system of basic values orientations, prevailing in the global society for centuries and millennia, allow to form such conceptual models of cultural, social and, undoubtedly, economic policies that will ensure the quality constructive correction of strangled, distorted or fading of values orientations for man, society and the state, ensure imbalance between the functions and capabilities of society and the market economic system from the standpoint of man-centric paradigm in economics.
Short Abstract for an article
Аbstract. The article deals with the problem of the formation and transformation of values orientations of economic systems functioning and their social institutional forms at different historical development stages – the era of industrialism, the becoming of postindustrial and information society. Specific values forms of labour motivation, benefits, problems and contradictions of values orientations of individuals and different social groups in conditions of formation of the intellectual economy and atomized society.


Philosophy of economy, philosophical approach, value, values orientations, «values rationality», «distorted and treacherous forms», spirituality, culture.


External reviewer

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3 11-26


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