
, PhD. Student, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

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Issues number

2016 - № 3 (26)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Development of relations in innovative and investment fields urgently requires convergence of the corresponding regulatory basis in a single mechanism of providing innovative investing. Nowadays, investing should be examined as an important element of market and economic turnover together with organizing production and selling goods and services. At the same time, the current regulatory basis is not considerably developed. Particularly, jurists have not sufficiently focused on matters of legislative systematization and codification of investment legislation.
Recent research and publications analysis. O. M. Davydiuk, O. V. Hladka, D. V. Zadykhailo, O. M. Vinnyk, Yu. Ye. Atamanova, O. Ye. Simson, V. S. Milash, D. I. Adamiuk, etc. have taken notice of the mentioned matters to some extent. Simultaneously, some problems concerned with the main legal forms of investment transferring innovative products and their legislative regulation are not solved at present. As a result, consideration of these problems and search for ways of their solution are of significant importance.
Paper objective. The article purpose is to analyze legal regulation of innovative investing and the main legal forms of transferring an innovative product in accordance with the Ukrainian legislation.
Paper main body. A strategic goal of structural transformation of the national economy and achievement of stable social and economic development is carrying out active investment activity.
The sense of legal regulation of investment activity consists in determination of the legal status of investment subjects, their organizational and legal forms, formation of conducive conditions and guarantees for investors, a competitive environment in markets of labor, capital, and goods.
Innovativeness is a principal peculiarity of innovative investing. An innovative product as a peculiar object of legal relations in the economic field is a basic element of innovativeness.
The author means basic criteria of the characteristic of the very innovative investing. The innovative product, which is introduced into a process of manufacturing innovative products, is the basis for innovative investing. In relation to this investing, a certain set of basic investment rights of an investor arises. Firstly, this object becomes a productive asset. Secondly, it is introduced into production. Thirdly, an investor obtains a right to participate in profit distribution. Nevertheless, all these relations are implemented in different legal regimes depending on legal forms.
Conclusions of the research. Therefore, the author may indicate the following legal forms of innovative investing: a) innovative investing in the corporate form; b) innovative investing in capital of a unitary enterprise in the form of fixed assets; c) innovative investing in the contractual and obliging form; d) institutional innovative investing (venture funds). Certain peculiarities requiring thorough analysis and further examination are inherent to each of these legal forms.
Short Abstract for an article
Аbstract. The author considers topical problems of the main legal forms of innovative investing in the context of formation of a complex institution of economic law, namely the institution of innovative investing as one of the most perspective matters of legal frameworks of the economic activity in Ukraine.


Innovative investing, investment activity, contractual investing, corporate investing, commercial concession, innovative product.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

3 188-203


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