
, professor, Kharkiv, Lenina, 9 a
, associate professor, Kharkiv, Lenina, 9 a
, student, Kharkiv, Lenina, 9 a

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2014 - № 4 (19)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK

330/1: 502/504 (477)

ISSN print



Problem setting. The importence of solution of ecological problems for the whole world and the management of a national economy of Ukraine on the way of the innovative development stipulates the necessity of the search of new methodical approaches to the
calculation of the main macroeconomic figures of development and the inplementation of a system of ecological and economic accounts in Ukraine.
Recent research and publications analysis. The general theoretical matters of the sustainable development and the analysis of an influence of an economic activity on the environment are presented in working papers of such foreign and domestic scientists as
S. Bobyliov, J. Weber, O. Veklych, V. Danilov-Danilyan, J. Daly, D. Dickson, S. Doroguntsov, M. Zghurovskyi, Yu. Tunytsia etc. It is worth mentioning authors referring in their working papers to the ecological correction of macroeconomic figures, among which are
J. Stiglitz, O. Riumina, R. Kostanaza, M. Shlapak, O. Shkarupa, O. Klevakina, A. Sen etc.
Paper objective. An aim of the article is to analyze an ecological component of the sustainable development in Ukraine and to prove the necessity of the usage of the system of ecological and economic accounts in the national calculation of Ukraine.
Paper main body. Results of the research confirm the necessity of taking into account ecological factors in the process of calculation of economic figures. Therefore, the primary measure for the estimation of the situation and the determination of prior actions for
the world countries, including Ukraine, is the implementation of a system of indicators of the sustainable development. The importance of application of the ecologically corrected GDP consists of such properties: it conduces to the more confident estimation of the economic potential of a country; proves the significance of the input of natural capital in the economic increase; determines current amounts and temps of functioning of a national economy taking account of an ecological component of the sustainable development etc.
The authors may state that at modern stage of the development the Ukrainian government does not execute the ecological correction of GDP at official level, the ecological and economic calculation is at initial stage of the development of methodical approaches to calculations, and the policy in the field of congruity of interests of economy and ecology is ineffective.
Conclusions of the research. More and more researchers insist on the implementation of the ecological factors in the economic calculation. This is a logical consequence of overstating of the economic development results because of the determination of traditional macroeconomic figures. The developments of scientists regarding the methods of calculation of the ecologically corrected GDP should be used in the national statistics of Ukraine in order to provide the adequacy of estimation of a situation in the ecology and the economy, of their mutual influence, and also of the actively implementation of sustainable development principles.


Sustainable development, ecological component, energy content, macroeconomic indicators, system of ecological and economic calculations.


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