Author |
Nabatova O. O., associate professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77 |
In heading |
Economic theory; | ||||
Signed print |
24.10.2014 | Issues number |
2014 - № 4 (19) | Page |
46-58 |
Type of articles |
Scientific article | Code UDK |
330.111.44/62:004 | ISSN print |
2218-8010 |
Abstract |
Problem setting. In the process of establishment of the postindustrial economy the transformation of production relationships based on ownership relationships has been occurred. Overcoming of the limitation of the main factor of production and the main form of public wealth stipulates changes of an object and entity structure of ownership, the correspondence between its different types and forms, tendencies of the “diffusion” and the democratization of ownership, the appearance of new forms of interrelation of direct producers and owners. Recent research and publications analysis. Working papers of A. Alchian, H. Demsetz, R. Koze, D. North, O. Williamson, A. Honore initiate a basis of economic theory of ownership rights considering the ownership generally from the standpoint of legal and economic positions and paying attention to problems of the correspondence of ownership rights and their peculiarities. Working papers of V. Bazylevych, O. Buzhalin, A. Hrytsenko, V. Inozemtsev, V. Kamenetskyi, S. Mochernyi, A. Chukhno, etc. are dedicated to the analysis of a social and economic sense of ownership, different problems of its functioning, and tendencies of the postsocial transformation of ownership relationships. However, matters of the evolution of ownership relationships in the process of formation of the postindustrial economy have been insufficiently developed. Paper objective. An aim of the article is to analyze the postindustrial transformation of the ownership relationships, new forms of the interaction of ownership and labor. Paper main body. In the process of formation of the postindustrial economy a role of key objects of ownership is transfered from tangible resources to intangible resources, i.e. knowledge, information. Their peculiarities (inexhaustiveness in consumption, inalienation from an owner, spatial freedom etc.) stipulate the fundamental transformation of the ownership relationships, its structure, and forms of realization: 1) new entities (owners of intellectual resources) appear; 2) a tendency of the multi-entity appropriation appears; 3) a character of the competition between entities of intellectual ownership changes; 4) the democratization of ownership and the decrease of importance of private ownership in favor of associate firms are considered; 6) the topicality of personal ownership contemplating the individual possession of all factors of the modern knowledge-intensive production; 7) overcoming of the dramatical conflictness of interests of owners and employers. Conclusions of the research. A tendency of the increase of a degree of economic freedom of employers controversially coexists with a tendency of enhancement of the exploitation of a creative activity by capital; the parasitization on the internal motivation of an employer, the self-exploitation; the appropriation of not only work time, but also of free time by capital; the inrespectiveness of a paid salary and a payment for knowledge as the income for intellectual capital of an employer. |
Keywords |
Postindustrial economy, intangible resources, ownership relationships, intellectual ownership, exploitation. | ||||
Reviewer |
External reviewer |
Article in PDF |
4 46-58 | ||||
Bibliography |
none | ||||
Code DOI |
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