Author |
Kaminska T. M., professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77 |
In heading |
Economic theory; | ||||
Signed print |
24.10.2014 | Issues number |
2014 - № 4 (19) | Page |
6-17 |
Type of articles |
Scientific article | Code UDK |
330.1:364.3 | ISSN print |
2218-8010 |
Abstract |
Problem setting. The absence of a social compulsory medical insurance system (CMI) is a peculiar feature of the health protection development in Ukraine. The existence of insurance considerably using direct taxes and additional charges for a field is essential. Recent research and publications analysis. The authors analyzed the main models of social insurance of O. Bismarck and W. Beveridge and the model of private (group) insurance. Paper objective. An aim of the article is to analyze the market of state medical services in Ukraine, to determine risks of the social medical insurance implementation in the health care system enabling to reveal both benefits and some alternative costs of potential innovations. Paper main body. The authors determined that a social insurance system may be divided into two types — a state one and a non-state one. The social insurance system contemplates a certain branch structure being compliant to a structure of social risks, which are joined in groups being a subject to certain fields of social insurance. The article proposes the comparison of benefits and alternative costs of the social medical insurance implementation in Ukraine. Benefits include functions of the allocation of public resources in favor of sick, old, and poor people, the decrease of social risks; the control over standards of quality of diagnostics and treatment, the abatement of information asymmetry being inherent to the market of medical services; the stimulation of effective labor of medical staff, the opportunity for customers to participate in the process of assessment of treatment quality due to the choice of medicaments. Risks of the implementation of the social medical insurance in Ukraine consist of a lack of bureaucracy, the strengthening of monopolism, the asymmetry of information between upper and lower branches of the hierarchic national fund of insurance, costs of the unpredictable behavior of managers and workers of regional funds; a threat of a pressure of a local government on an activity of regional funds, their subordination to local government’s egoistic interests. Conclusions of the research. The article proposes conditions conducing to reforms in the field of health protection, which encompass: overcoming of “shadow” economy, the structural reconstruction, the connection of economic interests of a society, doctors, medical institutions, and a state. |
Keywords |
Insurance, social insurance, compulsory medical insurance, “shadow”economy, health protection. | ||||
Reviewer |
External reviewer |
Article in PDF |
№ 4 6-17 | ||||
Bibliography |
none | ||||
Code DOI |
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