
, associate professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2014 - № 3 (18)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The discussion on a role of intellectual property (IP) in the contemporary globalized economy and ineffi ciency of the existing system of supervision and protection of the IP rights is heightened in the world science and practice. Effi ciency of
usage of IP as a resource of development is deeply related to effi ciency of technology transfer (TT). Under conditions of the globalization the mentioned processes obtain a peculiar specifi city, which needs thorough research.
Recent research and publications analysis. The works of S. Kinsella (the contradiction of the concept of intellectual property rights protection), O. Buzghalin and O. Kolganov (the negative infl uence of private intellectual property on social and economic development), O. Mazhura, V. Bazylevych, V. Ilin, L. Fedulova, H. Androshchuk (the contradictions of IP, modern specifi city of TT) are appreciable in the process of research of the mentioned problem. The problem of systematization of the modern tendencies of TT development has been unsolved. Perception of the role of IP rights protection for effective TT is ambiguous.
Paper objective. Demonstration of the controversial infl uence of the system of supervision and protection of IP rights on the usage of the system as a resource of development on the basis of analysis of the contemporary tendencies and the regularities of development.
Paper main body. Technology transfer is transfer of systematized knowledge on production,application of a process, and providing of services. The scientists divide TT channels into the commercial (market) and the non-commercial channels. Technology includes
tangible and intangible components. Effective TT consists of obtaining of the so-called “implicit knowledge”. Transfer of only a share of elements of technology is a way of monopolistic position maintenance. Nowadays the most progressive technologies are concentrated in the small group of high-developed countries. In these countries TT is controlled and transfer of implicit knowledge is blocked. Technology appears in interrelation with other technologies. Unifi cation of the standards of goods production in the world and expansion of mega technologies occur. Monopolization of the world market of TNC technologies is intensifi ed. Innovative network partnerships form. Intensifi cation of the system of supervision and protection of IP rights should encourage TT between the more developed countries and the countries-recipients, economic development, and the scientifi c and technical progress. However, as a result, TT becomes more complicated for the receiving countries. The risks of a development resources loss are intensifi ed. Gaining monopolistic incomes from IP rights realization, the countries-donors of technologies reduce costs for
researches. As a result, the scientifi c and technical progress slows down. There are opportunities of usage of IP as an instrument of economic aggression, knowledge expansion retardation in terms of the international and the state regulation of TT. TT is ineffective in the industry of scientifi c and research and research and construction developments.
Conclusions of the research. At the modern stage of development of the world economy relationships of IP collide with the productive force of intellectual labor. Protection of IP rights retardate TT more and more, turning IP from a resource of development
into an instrument of TNC markets monopolization. Changes of directions of encouraging of expansion of modern technologies implementation and research of responsible reformation of the area of supervision and protection of IP rights are topical.


Technology transfer, intellectual property, protection of rights, contradictions, knowledge expansion, development.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

3 59-75



Code DOI

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