
, PhD in Economics, Associate of Professor, Kyiv, Prospect Peremogy, 54/1

In heading

Economic theory;

Signed print


Issues number

2017 - № 4 (31)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. The domestic agrarian sector can become a “driving force” of modernization of the national economy. However, today its progressive development is hampered by unresolved contradictions in the system of agrarian relations.
Recent research and publications analysis. Work is devoted to clarification of certain aspects of the development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine V. H. Andriychuka, P. I. Haydutskoho, O. M. Borodinoyi, I. H. Kyrylenka, O. M. Mohylnoho, L. V. Moldavan, V. V. Yurchyshyna and others. However, today there is no comprehensive, in-depth analysis of the system of social and economic contradictions in the agrarian sector of modern Ukraine on the conceptual basis of identifying and taking into account the causes of its crisis situation.
Paper objective. The purpose of the article is to find out the specifics and the main forms of manifestation of economic and social contradictions in the agrarian sector of modern Ukraine, to determine the ways of their solution.
Paper main body. The state lost the monopoly right to land as a result of land reform, and land redistribution was carried out by ownership. However, as practice has shown, land reform in Ukraine has not developed.
Conclusions of the research. Thus, the specificity of the contradictions in Ukraine is reduced to: first, the formation of a bimodal structure of agriculture (in parallel, large commodity production is being developed on the basis of newly created agricultural enterprises and small-scale production of households and small farms) with the prevalence of small-scale stock (peasant), which determines certain social contradictions; secondly, the formation of two diametrically opposite models of land use – latifundist and parcel; Thirdly, in the agrarian sector of Ukraine there are forms of management that are characteristic of transition economies (agricultural enterprises, farmers and peasant farms), and their main subjects are capitalist, owner and hired employee; Fourth, differentiation and commercialization of households (the presence of commodity, consumer and mixed-use farms); fifthly, with the predominance of small-scale (peasant) production, the main economic contradiction is the contradiction of private land tenure and land use, and the main social contradiction is the contradiction between peasants (landowners) and corporate structures (actual landowners); sixth, the lack of timeliness for the incompleteness of theresolution of contradictions in the system of agrarian relations, which are caused by the self-annihilation of the state from the conscious resolution of them, and so on.
Short Abstract for an article
Abstract. The thesis is based on the fact that today the progressive development of the agrarian sector of Ukraine is hampered by unresolved contradictions in the system of agrarian relations. The social and economic contradictions in the development of the agrarian sector of modern Ukraine are investigated, their specificity and basic forms of manifestation are clarified. The reasons for the emergence of contradictions are indicated and the ways of their solution are offered.


Agrarian sector, contradictions, ownership, agroholdings, personal peasant farms, demographic crisis, settlement crisis.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

4 64-82


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