
, professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

In heading

Economic analysis of law;

Signed print


Issues number

2016 - № 2 (25)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Modern law firm (LF) is an entrepreneurial organization aimed at gaining profit. Its activity assumes more and more characteristics of a real business.Therefore, marketing approaches and market orientation should be engaged in order to enhance the firm’s activity.
Recent research and publication analysis. Trends of the development of legal market have been researched in scientific papers of V. Apopiy, I. Akulich, N. Breslavtseva, J. Viters, K. Viterman, C. Lavlok, V. Markova, O. Pashchuk, G. Predyk, G. A. Razumovska, B. Serbinovskyi, T. Tultayev, etc. However, there is a lack of publications on marketing problems in the legal field.
Paper objective. The article’s purpose is to reveal the content of the concept of marketing in the legal field and analyze the main stages of legal marketing in Ukraine.
Paper main body. Legal marketing is defined as actions regarding application of marketing instruments, which are focused on meeting clients’ needs, forming a market of legal services, and building optimal relationships with customers. Legal marketing is both marketing of professional, intelligent services and marketing of interrelations.
Marketing evolution in the legal field of Ukraine has gone through a set of phases: 1) a total rejection of marketing; 2) inappropriate comprehension of a purpose of marketing; 3) perceiving necessity of marketing, but non-systematic application; 4) active application of marketing; 5) legal marketing becomes the separate business; 6) there is formation of marketing law as a science and academic discipline.
Implementation of the legal marketing conception requires domestic LFs to encompass two directions of the marketing activity — strategic and operative ones. Strategic legal marketing is aimed at selection of those legal practices and legal services markets, which are beneficial for a LF, and processing strategies and programs of the activity in each of these markets. Operative legal marketing is referred to as the practice in application of the main marketing instruments, which enables to influence customers in order to gain a determined amount of profit in certain target markets. The marketologists perform the following functions: research of market conjuncture of legal services; establishment of effective communications with customers and other stakeholders; competitive analysis of the market; coaching of a legal service team in different issues of business and marketing; formation of proposals regarding a conception and applied measures concerned with development and budgeting a new business; formation of a positive image of a LF. At the
same time, the marketologists should interact with not only the partners, but also with each lawyer of the LF.
Conclusion of the research. Researches of marketing relationships in the legal business are relevant and must be continued. Establishment of partnerships with customers and meet their needs and requests of the issues of a legal nature are a prerequisite of profitable and stable operation of LF in the business environment in Ukraine.
Short Abstract for an article
Abstract. The content of the marketing concept in the legal field is exposed. The basic stages of legal marketing in Ukraine are investigated. The essential directions of practical marketing activities in accordance with law firm marketing mix are analyzed.


Law firm, legal marketing.


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