
, PhD. Student, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

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Signed print


Issues number

2016 - № 1 (24)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK

346.5 (477)

ISSN print



Problem setting. In political and legal spheres the term «deregulation» with increasing frequency is met along with the term «state regulatory policy». In these days the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine both have frequently started to use this term separately or even as an independent economic policy direction. Meanwhile, the term «deregulation» has not found any legislative recognition within statutory framework of Ukraine.
Recent research and publications analysis. In legal literature a matter of correlation of regulatory policy in the sphere of economic activity and deregulation has not been a subject for any complex research. At the same time some aspects of this matter were highlighted in the works of O. Yuldashev, D. Zadykhaylo. The aforesaid preconditions the timeliness of the chosen topic.
Paper objective. Taking into account the legal nature and having analyzed the stages of exercise of the state regulatory policy, mechanisms of its realization and scope of the functional tasks set before the deregulation and the state regulatory policy it may beconcluded that deregulation is a part of the state regulatory policy both in its content and in the scope of tasks it deals with. It is necessary to ensure legal confirmation of the
processes of the state regulatory policy exercise as well as the deregulation specifically from this perspective.
Paper main body. At the legislative level it is needed to formalize the term of deregulation as the system of measures aimed at decrease of interference of the state authorities in the business activity, elimination of legal, administrative, economical and organizational obstacles for the development of the ways of business processes.
Conclusions of the research. Deregulation should be considered as a complex systematic process of transformation in the state regulation of the economic activity, for which reason there is necessity in political will and implementation of clear legal and regulatory framework of the deregulation process.


Regulatory policy, economic policy, deregulation, administrative reform, organizational economic powers, State Regulatory Service of Ukraine.


External reviewer

Article in PDF

1 148-158


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