Author |
Shevchenko L. S., professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77 |
In heading |
Economic theory; | ||||
Signed print |
26.12.2014 | Issues number |
2015 - № 1 (20) | Page |
9-21 |
Type of articles |
Scientific article | Code UDK |
330.11:378.4 | ISSN print |
2411-5584 |
Abstract |
Problem setting. Becoming of market relations in the field of higher education, sharpening of competition between the institutes of higher education for students, expected merger and absorption of universities — these and other arguments determine the neces- sity of mastering of marketing philosophy of university management. Recent research and publication analysis. The Ukrainian researchers A. Dmitriv, V. Dmitriev, N. Ivko, A. Kostyuchenko, M. Romanenko, V. Sichenko, V. Shevchuk, O. Shutaeva study marketing problems in the field of higher education. Marketing of educational activity is interpreted mainly as actions of universities with the purpose of sale of educational services and improvement of educational climate into educational establishment. Paper objective. The purpose of the article is to present the system of relations con- cerning the receipt of education in the categories of marketing. Paper main body. Marketing in higher education has the ramified system of forms and instruments of realization. The educational marketing means the careful study of educational market and satisfaction of necessities of recipients of education as eventual users of educational products and services. Such marketing is sometimes named marketing of set of students, and also pedagogical marketing. The educational marketing after the essence is mar- keting of partner (mutually beneficial) relations. In the article the features and kinds of educational marketing are described. Particular attention is given to the marketing of educational services, marketing of educational commodities, marketing of educa- tional ideas, marketing of institutes of higher education, marketing of educational industry. For many the institutes of higher education the international educational marketing is topical. The industrial marketing of universities deals with realization of results them research activity at the market of enterprises. The educational products of universities are in this case: innovations, technical and technological decision (patents, pre-production model) and objects of infrastructure. And the research establishments, industrial enterprises, pub- lic and noncommercial institutions are the users. The procurement marketing will be realized on the markets of resources, which are used by university. It is expedient to select in his composition: marketing of scientific and pedagogical personnel, investment marketing and marketing of logistical support of the institutes of higher education. Conclusion of the research. The development of marketing relations needs changes in university management, in particular creation of the special marketing subsection and inculcation of positions of vice-president of university from marketing. |
Keywords |
university, educational services, educational products, educational marketing, industrial marketing, procurement marketing, marketing management. | ||||
Reviewer |
O. S. Marchenko, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. | ||||
External reviewer |
Article in PDF |
Шевченко Л.С. | ||||
Bibliography |
none | ||||
Code DOI |
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