
, associate professor, Kharkiv, Pushinska, 77

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Signed print


Issues number

2018 - № 2 (33)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. To accelerate development of the renwable energy sector, the legislature should undertake a well-weighted policy and amend the legislation in the field of renewable energy, primarily revise or adopt a new law “On Renwable Energy Soruces”. The law should regulate the following matters: connection to grids, transmission and distribution of power; a competitive mechanism for establishing and changing a “green” tariff for various types of renewable sources; guaranteeing investors’ rights; administrative proceudres of forming and functioning of these objects.
Recent research and publication analysis. Scientists such H. H. Heletukha and others usually take notice of economic and technical aspects of the renewable energy sector. Legal aspects of the energy sector are considered in scientific papers of S. A. Svirkov, A. P. Vershynin, S. D. Bilotskyi, et al. However, the reneable energy sector has not been sufficiently examined.
Paper objective. The article objective is to classify objects producing energy from renewable sources for amending the legislative basis in this field.
Paper main body. The Law “On Alternative Energy Sources” fully adheres to statements of the Directive 2009/28/ЕС regarding the content of sources, except the very name of corresponding sources (alternative instead of renewable).
Objects of solar energy may be classified by purpose: a) industrial; b) objects installed on roofs and facades of houses, buildings and facilities; c) objects installed on roofs of private households.
Power plants (solar and wind) may be also divided into two large groups: a) stand-alone; b) grid-connected.
Objects of the energy sector belonged to private households, the use of which contemplates a special regulatory regime, constitute a separate category.
Objects of bioenergy fall into the following categories: 1) hydrothermal power plants, thermal power plants and biomass boilers; reconstructed fossil fuel power stations (coal and biomass co-combustion); hydrothermal and thermal waste-to-energy plants; b) plantations of energy crops; c) capacities for manufacturing rare types of biofuel and bioethanol.
Types of objects producing biogas: a) systems for collection and utilization of biogas in solid waste landfills; b) biogas plants for waste and by-products of an agricultural complex; c) wastewater biogas (industrial and municipal wastewater).
Objects of hydropower include: a) micro hydropower plants; b) mini hydropower plants; c) small hydropower plants.
Objects of geothermal power encompass: a) medium-size geothermal power plants; b) small geothermal power plants; c) power plants using combined sources such as geothermal energy and biofuel (coal, gas, peat, biomass); d) combined power stations for generation of electricity, heat and extracting valuable products from geothermal water.
Conclusion of the research. It is necessary to considerably amend the Law of Ukraine “On Alternative Energy Sources” or to adopt a new law “On Renewable Energy Sources” that codifies norms in the field of legal regulation of renewable energy. Enhancing terminology is a primary step because efficiency and transparency of the mechanism of legal regulation depends on strict understanding of the notions. In addition, objects producing energy from renewable sources and peculiarities of legal regulation in this sphere (by size, type of sources, etc.) should be clearly prescribed by the law.
Taking into account the suggested classification of objects producing energy from renewable sources, the existence of corresponding sources in Urkaine or an opportunity to consider these sources as renewable ones, the author proposes to amend the definition of alternative (renewable) energy sources as follows: “renewable energy sources –solar, wind, geothermal (hydrothermal, aerothermal) energy, hydroenergy and biomass energy, including biogas, including biogas from organic waste and gas of sanitary stations”.
Short Аbstract for an article
Abstract. The article analyses the content of a notion of “alternative soruces” enshrined in the current legislation and compares terms of “alternative sources” and “renewable sources”. The author classifies objects producing energy from renewable sources by type of energy sources and by size of an object. The author proposes amendments to the legislation.


renewable energy, alternative energy sources, renewable energy soruces, objects producing energy from renewable sources.


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