
, Phd (economy), associate Professor, Kyiv, Kyoto, 19
, Phd (economy), Scientific Associate, Kyiv, Kyoto, 19

In heading

Economic analysis of law;

Signed print


Issues number

2018 - № 4 (35)



Type of articles

Scientific article

Code UDK


ISSN print



Problem setting. Trends in the development of the world economy reflect the main factors of the country’s competitiveness, the main of which is the introduction of effective mechanisms of innovation policy, which include budget financing, optimization of tax burden, lending, the formation of the intellectual property market, the creation of innovation infrastructure, and provide incentives for the creation and commercialization of Intellectual Property Objects (hereinafter referred to as IPO). As stated in the Strategy of Ukraine’s Innovation Development for 2010-2020 under the conditions of globalization, intellectual property is a key factor in implementing the strategy of innovation development in the country. It becomes clear that at the present stage of the innovative development of our
country’s economy, the process of commercialization of IPO’s has been given a dominant meaning.
Recent research and publications analysis. Investigation of the regulation of commercialization of intellectual property objects through the prism of institutional theory has been insufficiently disclosed. In view of the unresolved issues regarding the commercialization of IPO’s, the overcoming of which should take into account the interests of authors, market participants and state, the relevance of the study of the institutional provision of this process is growing.
Paper objective is to reveal the peculiarities of institutional regulation of the process of commercialization of IPO’s.
Paper main body. Commercialization of IPO’s, which is an orderly sequence of interrelated actions and operations for the creation (development, use) and transfer of property rights to IPO’s for the purpose of obtaining economic benefits and forming a social effect, is characterized by a rather slow pace of activation on domestic companies. This situation is characterized, first of all, by the fact that in the total aggregate of capital investments in Ukraine for 2010-2017, the share of capital investments in intangible assets is only 4 %. The share of industrial companies that implement innovate, according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine in 2007-2017, amounted to only 14.3 % on average.
In order to increase the indicators of activation of the process of commercialization of IPO’s, there is a need for the construction of the architectonics of its institutional support, which will determine the ways of implementation of proposals for regulating the commercialization process.
Conclusions of the research. According to the results of the research it was constructed architectonics of institutional ensuring for accounting for commercialization of IPO’s, to define the structure and clarify the composition of formal and informal institutions, in particular formal (legislative and normative acts), informal (norms and rules in the form of traditions, education, industry affiliation) and the organizational and infrastructural basis (a set of elements and relationships that are intended to maintain and providing support to company management).
Short Abstract for an article
Abstract. The article is devoted to the research of the system of institutions that regulate the intellectual property relations in Ukraine. The essence and significance of institutional regulation in ensuring the realization and development of intellectual property relations are determined. The genesis of institutional bases of realization of intellectual property relations in Ukraine is analyzed. The content and structure of formal institutions that regulate and interact with participants in intellectual property relations are explored. The essence, structure and importance of informal institutions in the regulation of intellectual property relations in Ukraine are considered.


institutional regulation, intellectual property, formal institutions, informal institutions, transaction costs.


External reviewer

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